July 24, 2020
9:00 am
URL: https://bit.ly/30n95Iw Event password: 5corevalues Phone: 1-415-655-0003 Access code: 161 965 4772
I. Consent Items (ROLL CALL VOTE ON
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from May 29, 2020 Meeting and
June 22, 2020 Conference Call Meeting.
Commissioner Penny Schwinn of the State Department of Education
will give a brief presentation on COVID-19 and School Re-Opening Plans.
A. Graduation Requirement Substitutions
This report item lists all approved course substitutions for the fourth year math, Lab Science, and English III/IV graduation requirement. Several Career and Technical Education courses have been added this year after the Department’s
CTE and Standards and Materials teams reviewed all CTE courses to determine which ones had sufficiently rigorous content to count toward one of the required courses (for example, had strong science content and therefore could count toward the third lab science). For informational purposes only; no action required.
III. Action Items (First Reading – ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. SBE Mission Statement Policy 1.000
First reading of policy to update the State Board Mission Statement to align with revisions to the five-year strategic goals and Master Plan.
B. Educator Licensure Rules 0520-02-03-.09 and 0520-02-03-.12
First reading of items to update rules regarding reporting of licensure actions for individuals teaching on permits as well as other recent statutory changes.
C. Technical Revisions to Tennessee Social Studies Standards
First reading of technical, non-substantive changes to the state social studies standards.
D. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Standards
First reading of item to revise course standards for several CTE career clusters.
Attachment 1 Attachment 12 Attachment 23
Attachment 2 Attachment 13 Attachment 24
Attachment 3 Attachment 14 Attachment 25
Attachment 4 Attachment 15 Attachment 26
Attachment 5 Attachment 16 Attachment 27
Attachment 6 Attachment 17 Attachment 28
Attachment 7 Attachment 18 Attachment 29
Attachment 8 Attachment 19 Attachment 30
Attachment 9 Attachment 20 Attachment 31
Attachment 10 Attachment 21 Attachment 32
Attachment 11 Attachment 22
E. Career & Technical Education (CTE) Rule 0520-01-07-.01
First reading of item to revise CTE rule to align requirements to Perkins V legislation and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education in Tennessee Perkins State Plan.
F. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
First reading of policy to propose pedagogical and content assessment requirements for a new Mathematics 6-10 endorsement.
G. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
First reading of policy to add a new Mathematics 6-10 endorsement that would be effective January 1, 2021.
H. Literacy and Specialty Area Standards for Educator Preparation Policy 5.505
First reading of policy to add a new endorsement in the area of Mathematics 6-10 and allow EPPs to recommend
candidates for the Mathematics 6-10 endorsement under specific circumstances.
I. Charter Schools Rule 0520-14-01
First reading of rule that clarifies the timeline of when a chartering authority must submit to a charter school sponsor
its grounds for a denied or amended application and aligns language to the law regarding the amount of state BEP funding for capital outlay to LEAs and charter schools.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading – ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Teacher & Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
Final reading of policy to add several approved charter school observation models to Appendix B of the policy. There have been changes since first reading.
B. Eligible Educator Preparation Providers Permanent Rule 0520-02-04-.03
Final reading of rule to address eligibility requirements for LEAs or consortiums of LEAs seeking to become educator preparation providers due to lack of state assessment data for 2019-20 because of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. There have been no changes since first reading.
C. Charter School Quality Charter Authorizing Standards Policy 6.111
Final reading of policy to update the authorizing standards with several technical revisions. There have been no changes since first reading.
D. Strategic Compensation Policy 5.600
Final reading of policy to update introductory language to the policy to better align with the rule. There have been changes since first reading.
E. Repeal Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS) Rule 0520-01-10
Final reading of item to repeal rules regarding TEIS because the responsibility for providing these services has been moved to the Department of Intellectual and Disabilities as per an executive order from the Governor. There have been no changes since first reading.
F. Physical Activity and Physical Education Policy 4.206
Final reading of policy to encourage LEAs to provide physical education to students twice per week. There have been changes since first reading.
G. 2020-2025 SBE Strategic Goals and 2020-21 Master Plan
First and final reading of item to update the State Board’s five-year strategic goals for the period of 2020-25 and to
approve the annual Master Plan for 2020-21alignment with the new goals.
H. Educator Preparation Providers and Specialty Area Program Approvals
First and final reading of action recommendations for Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) and Specialty Area Providers (SAPs), including nine active EPPs and two prospective EPPs.
Bethel University Motlow State Community College
Bryan College South College
Carson-Newman University Tusculum University
Freed-Hardeman University University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Johnson University Western Governors University
Maryville College
I. Special Courses Policy 3.201
First and final reading of a list of all special course applications received by the Department of Education for the 2020-21 school year, along with the recommended approval status.
J. Tennessee Eduator Preparation Policy 5.504
First and final reading of policy that gives flexibility to EPPs in designing clinical practice experiences for the 2020-21
school year in the event of future disruptions to LEA or public charter school operations due to COVID-19.
K. Charter School Amendment Petition Application & Rubric
First reading of the charter school amendment petition application, including the letter of intent and application with scoring rubric.
L. COVID-19 Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
M. COVID-19 Additional Local Education Agency (LEA) Requested Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. This item was updated on July 22, 2020 with additional waiver requests from several LEAs.
V. Charter School Appeals (ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Compass Community Schools - Midtown Amendment Appeal
Final reading of appeal by Compass Community Schools - Midtown Charter School to the State Board of Education.
VI. Teacher License Actions (ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Richard Chiamulera – Voluntary Surrender
B. James Feurerbacher – Suspension, 2 years
C. Grace Hatcher – Suspension, 3 months
D. Kelly Johnston – Suspension, 2 years
E. Terrica Leake – Formal Reprimand
F. Marcus Matthews – Formal Reprimand
G. Bandon Sizemore – Voluntary Surrender
H. Jessica Tomberlin – Formal Reprimand
V. Adjournment