Division Updates and Outreach
Item Title | Link | Description of information |
Current Tennessee Rules |
Current TDEC UST Rules |
This is a link to the current rules governing Underground Storage Tanks in the State of Tennessee as adopted on October 13, 2018 |
2018 Federal Rule Change Quick Reference Guide | 2018 Rule Pamphlet |
The following new requirements went to effect for all Tennessee Underground Storage Tank facilities on October 13, 2021. |
The Division's most recent rule changes became effective June 15, 2021. The two major components of these changes were 1) fund coverage for a fund eligible release is dependent on an owner or operator's compliance history; the amount of fund deductible is based upon that compliance history, and 2) annual tank fees are suspended from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026. There are also general cleanup revisions to Rules 0400-18-01-.09 and 0400-18-01-.10. A rule making hearing was held 12/1/2020. The public hearing notice, the rule revision notice, and audio file may be accessed below:
- Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- Notice of Rulemaking Hearing - Redline
- MP4 Audio file of rulemaking hearing
April 10, 2025
Public Participation Opportunity
Subject: Regulatory Extensions and Updates
This rulemaking package addresses the observation identified in the 2022 Tennessee Comptroller Performance Audit Report that the Underground Storage Tank (UST) rules should be amended to allow for reporting extensions. This package also adopts the proposals made during the Retrospective Rule Review to ensure that the UST rules are up-to-date, legally compliant, and not unduly burdensome. Specifically, these amendments propose to;
- Update the references to the National Association of Corrosion Engineers to the Association for Materials Protection and Performance;
- Better define "risk-based cleanup level" and "site specific cleanup level" and add a definition for "initial screening level";
- Clarify that deductible determinations for fund eligible releases are dependent upon compliance with the rules listed in Rule 0400-18-01-.09(6)(b)7 at the time of release;
- Provide the Division authority to allow extensions for investigating and confirming releases, closing UST systems, reporting sampling results, and applying for Corrective Action Contractor approval;
- Update corrective action requirements regarding routine field activities, vapor hazard control, free product investigation, risk analysis reporting, and corrective action plans;
- Update UST permanent closure requirements regarding approved methods of closure, vapor purging, and notification requirements for closure and field activities;
- Update cost recovery provisions to reflect statutory requirements;
- Ensure the payment of current and outstanding annual tank fees for USTs that were not timely reported to the Division pursuant to statutory requirements; and
- Update retraining requirements to allow for retraining flexibility as set out in federal law.
Review the UST Amendment Documents Below
Rulemaking Hearing Notice: Chapter 0400-18-01 UST 2024 Amendments
Rulemaking Hearing Notice: Chapter 0400-18-01 UST 2024 Amendments - Redline
Questions may be directed to Rhonda Key at 615-761-7590 or email at rhonda.key@tn.gov
Events | Details |
Regulatory Extensions and Updates |
April 10, 2025 at 1:00PM Knoxville Room, 3rd Floor |
Tank Talk
Tank Talk is a periodic email newsletter that started in August 2020 with the primary purpose of providing education and reference materials for regulatory compliance, especially focused on the new rule full implementation date of October 13, 2021. Tank Talk is a “plain English” publication that focuses on timely and relevant underground storage tank systems requirements that are designed to prevent petroleum releases. Initially published and distributed monthly, it is now published regularly throughout the year when relevant or timely information is available. The publication is emailed to roughly 17,000 stakeholders with open and click rates well above government email marketing averages.
New Rule Webinars
In anticipation of the full implementation of the October 13, 2021 rule changes, a series of “open to the public” webinars were performed by UST Division staff in 2021. The primary purpose of the webinars was to inform the regulated community of the rule requirements at both the tank owners/operators’ and contractors’ understanding levels. During each webinar participants were provided time to ask questions, interact and engage with Division staff members, and were provided resources for their future needs. Nearly 1,300 stakeholders participated in the 16 webinars held throughout the year. For future reference, links are provided below to the webinar materials and recordings.
This Page Last Updated: February 10, 2025 at 10:30 AM