Above Ground Tanks & Brownfields
The Tennessee Division of Underground Storage Tanks regulates petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs) in Tennessee. Non-petroleum USTs are regulated by US EPA in Atlanta. Above ground storage tanks are not regulated by this Division.
Other agencies in Tennessee State Government whom you might want to contact for information include the following.
The State Fire Marshal's Office Codes Enforcement
This is the main Codes Enforcement page for the Fire Prevention Division.
A storage tank guide from The State Fire Marshal's Office can be found by clicking here.
Contact and general information for The Fire Prevention Division can be found by clicking here.
Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration
TOSHA regulations define some requirements for above ground storage tanks. Contact the Division for specific information or consult the TOSHA regulations, 29 CFR 1910 standards. 1-800-325-9901
Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration can be visited by clicking here
Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Quality, and Standards Division
Inspects facilities and ensures quality of product sold.
Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Quality, and Standards Division can be visited by clicking here
Local Fire Departments and Codes
Be sure to check with your local fire and Codes departments for county and municipal requirements.
Install all equipment according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Keep all paperwork as documentation of the type of equipment you have. Keep records of all repairs and maintenance performed.
Brownfields Redevelopment Program
The Tennessee Brownfields Redevelopment Program works with the public to assist in the re-use and revitalization of brownfields in Tennessee. Many properties in Tennessee which were previously used as gas stations, drycleaners, factories or properties that may have contamination from unknown sources qualify as brownfields. Please visit the Division of Remediation's Brownfields Redevelopment Program for additional information.