Sites Under Delivery Prohibition
This Law Affects Tank Owners and Distributors
It is an unlawful act to place petroleum into a tank that is under delivery prohibition. It is unlawful for anyone placing petroleum into tanks at such facilities or causing petroleum to be placed into such tanks. The Division has imposed significant fines for petroleum deliveries to facilities under delivery prohibition and will continue to do so. This law is to help distributors be aware of those facilities that are under delivery prohibition.
The Division has chosen to publish a list of facilities that should not be receiving petroleum deliveries. This list is updated weekly. To better serve the regulated community, the list will be posted here no later than Wednesdays at 1200 (Central Time). The last update of the delivery prohibition list was on February 03, 2025 (uploaded @ 08:54 CDT).
Sites Under Delivery Prohibition - EXCEL
Red Tagging of Fill Ports/New UST Delivery Prohibition Process
Petroleum distributors were also impacted by changes to the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Act in 2004. The law allows the Commissioner to "affix a notice or tag to a dispenser and/or fill port and/or give notice on the department web site for any tank that has not paid fees or is in violation of the rules."
This Page Last Updated: February 3, 2025 at 8:55 AM