Oak Ridge Reservation Clean-up

As a result of decades of environmental contamination, originating with the Manhattan Project, the Oak Ridge Reservation is on the EPA National Priority List of Superfund sites and is the focus of one of the largest environmental cleanup efforts in the United States. The Division of Remediation’s Oak Ridge Office (DoR OR) oversees the U. S. Department of Energy’s remediation activities on the 32,000-acre Reservation. Per a 1991 tri-party agreement among DOE, EPA and the state, DoR OR staff members review all DOE remediation work and conduct independent monitoring both on and off the Reservation. By ensuring cleanup efforts meet Tennessee’s and federal environmental standards, DoR OR plays a vital role in protecting the public’s health and the natural resources of Roane and Anderson Counties.
TDEC DoR-OR participates in independent monitoring and verification sampling as well as oversight of current DOE activities across the Oak Ridge Reservation, to confirm existing DOE project results, support environmental restoration decisions, evaluate performance of existing remedies, and investigate the extent and movement of legacy contamination.
DoR OR staff members develop an annual Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) describing the DoR-OR monitoring and assessment activities to be conducted during the state fiscal year’s, across the Reservation
DoR OR staff members also produce an annual Environmental Monitoring Report (EMR), for activities conducted during the prior state fiscal year. Both of those documents are provided in accordance with the terms of both the Environmental Surveillance and Oversight Agreement (ESOA) , as well as in support of activities being conducted under the Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA).
For assistance with TDEC’s Independent Environmental Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance operations (including the EMP and EMR), or for groundwater related issues please contact Heather Lutz. For Federal Facility Agreement issues, contact Eileen Marcillo.