Retail Package Store License
A Retail Package Store license allows you to sell liquor, wine and beer at a retail package store located in a city which has authorized the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off premise.
A retail license is valid for one (1) year. You can apply for this license using RLPS.
- Applicants for a retail store must contact the local jurisdiction first and apply for acertificate of compliance from the city or county in which the business is located.The certificate of compliance should be issued to the corporate entity applying for the license and should list every natural person owner of that entity.
- The application for a retail store must be approved by the TABC Commission at aregular monthly Commission meeting. A completed application must be receivedin RLPS two (2) weeks before the next Commission Meeting to be considered forscheduling on the next Commission Agenda.
- A retail store must be located on the ground floor with one (1) main entranceopening on a public street with no other door or entrance for use by the publicunless the store is located on the corner of two public streets. Under thosecircumstances, a retail store could have a door opening on each of the publicstreets.
- Retail stores must be closed for business on Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, andEaster. Hours of operation for retail package stores are from 8:00 A.M. to 11:00P.M. Monday through Saturday and 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on Sunday.
- Retail package store managers must hold a manager's permit.
- Employees of a retail store must be at least eighteen (18) years old and mustreceive annual Responsible Wine Vendor training as a certified clerk.
- At least sixty-five percent (65%) of a retail package store’s total sales mustcome from the sale of alcoholic beverages and beer.
- Applicants must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
- According to the Fresh Start Act, no person having an interest in a Retail Package Store license may have been convicted of a crime that directly relates to the business of selling or serving beverage alcohol.
- An owner of a retail package store cannot be a public employee. An owner of aretail package store cannot hold any type of public office, either appointed orelected, unless that owner is an uncompensated appointee to a municipal boardor commission where they have no duty to vote for, overlook, or superintend thesale of alcoholic beverages.
- No owner can have any interest, either direct or indirect, in more than two retailpackage stores, a retail food store, or an alcohol license in the supplier orwholesale tiers of licenses.
- A spouse of a license owner may be considered to have an indirect interest intheir spouse’s licensed business; and if so, may not have any of the above-listeddisqualifications.
- A retail package store may only sell alcoholic beverages, beer and services anditems listed in TCA § 57-3-404.