Liquor-by-the-Drink - Hotel-Motel License
A hotel-motel license allows you to sell alcohol, wine and high gravity beer in a hotel-motel located in a city or county which as authorized the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on-premise.
A hotel-motel license is valid for one (1) year from the date of issue and the cost is based on the number of rooms. You can apply for this license using RLPS.
- A building kept, used, maintained, advertised and held out to the public to be a place where food is actually served and consumed and sleeping accommodations are offered for adequate pay to travelers and guests, whether transient, permanent or residential
- Must have twenty (20) or more rooms for the sleeping accommodations of guests
- Must have one (1) or more public dining room, with adequate and sanitary kitchen and a seating capacity of at least fifty (50) at tables where meals are regularly served to such guests
- Sleeping accommodations and dining rooms must be in the same building, separate building or structure used in connection therewith on the same premises and must be a part of the hotel operations
- Pursuant to the Fresh Start Act, no person having an interest in an LBD license may have been convicted of a crime which directly relates to the business of alcoholic beverage sales.
- No entity holding a liquor-by-the-drink license shall employ any person to serve beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages that does not possess a server permit from the commission. That permit must be on the person of such employee, or on the premises of the licensed establishment subject to inspection by the commission or its duly authorized agent.