Rectifier License

A rectifier license allows you to rectify alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of eight percent (8%) or greater by weight.

A completed application must be received in RLPS two (2) weeks prior to the Commission Meeting in order to be considered to be placed on the next Commission Agenda.

You can apply for this license using RLPS.


  • Anyone who has ownership in, or participates in, either directly or indirectly, the profits of any rectifier must be disclosed to the TABC as to the nature, extent and character thereof
  • All applicants, including stockholders or members of an LLC, must be citizens of the United States
  • Pursuant to the Fresh Start Act, no person having an interest in a Retail Package Store license may have been convicted of a crime which directly relates to the business of alcoholic beverage sales.
  • No applicant can have any interest in the business or building containing licensed premises of any other person having a manufacturing, wholesale, retail or any winery license or in the fixtures of any such person