AEDC WMA and Woods Reservoir Refuge

Directions and Description

WMA Interactive Map

Site Directions: From Nashville, take I-24 east (toward Chattanooga) and exit at the Arnold Air Force Base exit (#117).  Turn right onto Wattendorf Highway. To get to the check station from the interstate I-24, take Wattendorf Highway past the Air Force Main Gate and turn left onto Winchester Highway, go three miles and turn right onto Old Brick Church Road,  go two miles and turn left at the check station sign,  travel 4.6 miles to a pull-off on the left,  cross road on foot and travel roadbed to swamp forest.

To reach Woods Dam from I-24, go west towards AEDC, pass the main entrance, travel 3.2 miles, turn left on Winchester and Morris Ferry Boat Dock, travel 3.8 miles,  bear right and go 1.4 miles further to the lake.

Access via Hwy 127 - Lat: 35.39877°N Long: -86.09453°W  Woods Reservoir near UTSI - Lat: 35.39877°N Long: -86.02331°W 

The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, dependent on hunting seasons.  All access is strictly controlled and all areas are subject to be closed by the military. General access is free however, some hunting, fishing, or recreational license fees may apply.

There are areas on AEDC that may contain unexploded ordinances (small ammunition, anti-personnel mines, mortars, and artillery rounds). There are also areas on AEDC where open holes (manholes, wells, and sinkholes) are present. Hunters are advised to use caution. If any unexploded ordinances or holes are found- DO NOT TOUCH and notify the AEDC Operations Center at (931) 454-7752.

The following are PROHIBITED on AEDC property:  Handguns (regardless of carrying permit), Rifles (rim-fire and center-fire),  Camping and fires outside of designated campgrounds,  Metal detectors or digging,  ATVs,  Horseback riding

TWRA Contact Information: Region 2 Office: 1-615-781-6622 Toll-Free: 1-800-624-7406 E-mail the office TWRA Area Manager: Mark Winland 1-931-967-6101

Description: This Refuge is in Coffee and Franklin County Tennessee and the area comprises 32,000 acres of Oak-hickory hardwood forests and open pine savannas with scattered scrub/shrub and grassland habitats.  Native warm-season grasses and wildflowers are common in open areas that are burned regularly. Forest burning and clearing of forests to provide early successional habitat has provided ample thickets and heavy cover for wildlife.  Woods Reservoir is a large open-water reservoir with multiple viewing areas.

Forest songbirds are common year-round.  Priority Neotropical forest migratory birds such as Kentucky WarblerWorm-eating WarblerHooded Warbler, and Wood Thrush are common in summer. Grassland birds such as Northern BobwhiteHenslow's Sparrow, and Grasshopper Sparrow are found in summer. Scrub birds such as Blue GrosbeakYellow-breasted Chat, and Dickcissel can be found nesting. Bachman's Sparrow, although rare, may be found with some luck. Waterbirds can be common in winter, include Common LoonCanada GooseAmerican Black DuckGadwallNorthern ShovelerAmerican WigeonRuddy DuckHooded Merganser, and Red-breasted Merganser. American Coots can be extremely abundant. Wild Turkey and deer are abundant across AEDC WMA.

AEDC WMA and Woods Reservoir Refuge is part of the TN SWAP, Eastern Highland Rim Prairie, and Barrens Conservation Opportunity Area (COA)

Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact

The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact is an agreement that recognizes the suspension of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses in member states. This means that illegal activities in one state can affect a person’s hunting or fishing privileges in all participating states. Any person whose license privileges or rights are suspended in a member state may also be suspended in Tennessee. If a person's hunting, fishing, or trapping rights are suspended in Tennessee, they may be suspended in member states as well. This cooperative interstate effort will enhance the Division of Wildlife’s ability to protect and manage our wildlife resources. See our website for more information.

Regulations & Dates

All access
is strictly controlled and all areas are subject to be closed by the military.

There are areas on AEDC that may contain unexploded ordinances (small ammunition, anti-personnel mines, mortars, and artillery rounds). There are also areas on AEDC where open holes (manholes, wells, and sinkholes) are present. Hunters are advised to use caution. If any unexploded ordinances or holes are found- DO NOT TOUCH and notify the AEDC Operations Center at (931) 454-7752.

The following are PROHIBITED on AEDC property:

• Handguns (regardless of carrying permit)

• Rifles (rim-fire and center-fire)

• Camping and fires outside of designated campgrounds

• Metal detectors or digging

• ATVs

• Horseback riding

Big game and small game hunters are required to sign in prior to hunting at one of three hunter sign-in stations. Sign-in stations are located at the western (next to Harton Blvd.) and eastern (on Dixie Road) ends of Wattendorf Hwy. Hunters may also sign in at the Hunter’s Check Station on Old Brick Church Road. Hunters should fill out a sign-in card and keep it on their person or visible on the windshield of their vehicle while hunting.

Small game hunting and dog training are closed during all deer quota hunts.

Raccoon/Opossum hunting is closed the night before a deer hunt.

Deer-Turkey-Archery Zones may be hunted on any deer-turkey hunt by drawn hunters using archery equipment only. These areas are closed to small game hunting.

Woods Reservoir Waterfowl Refuge

All forms of trespass are prohibited - Dec. 1, 2024 – Jan. 31, 2025.

Deer (Special Regulations) - All deer hunting dates are subject to coordination with military training.

Deer (archery) - Same as statewide seasons except closed one (1) day prior to and during scheduled quota deer hunts. Statewide bag limits apply.

Deer (Young Sportsman-Shotgun-Muzzleloader) - Same as statewide season. No hunter quota, two (2) deer, either sex only one (1) may be antlered. (Bonus deer).

Deer (Shotgun - Muzzleloader) - Two (2) hunts: Nov. 8-10 and Nov. 29, - Dec. 1, 2024. 900 quota. Two (2) deer of either sex only (1) one may be antlered. (Bonus deer.)

Turkey (Spring and Fall) - Same as statewide season.

Small game and Trapping are the same as statewide seasons except closed during deer quota hunts.

Unit 1 is closed to small game hunting and trapping.

Quail - Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025

Dog training - Sept. 1, 2024 - Feb. 28, 2025  

Unit 1 may only be hunted when the red entrance gate off of Rifle Range Road is open and signage lists Unit 1 as open.

Unit 2 may only be hunted when the red gate off of Wattendorf HWY is open and the signage lists Unit 2 as open.

Waterfowl - Same as statewide season, except open on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday of the late duck season. Hunting on Woods Reservoir is from registered blind sites only. During the early duck and goose seasons hunting is allowed outside of blind sites, except 150 yards from the bank starting at the pumping station going west to the Rowland's Creek causeway. Waterfowl hunting is allowed from registered blind sites during the scheduled deer hunts. Waterfowl hunting is allowed outside of registered blinds upstream from the Praire Plains Road bridge.

 Camping - Open during deer and turkey seasons to any hunters who are actively hunting the WMA.

TN Hunting Season Summary

Hunting Regulations Link
Buy a license link
Interactive Map of Barkley WMA
2023-24 Hunting Guide


AEDC Woods Reservoir blind 26

AEDC Woods Reservoir blind 28

AEDC Woods Reservoir blind 30

AEDC Woods Reservoir blind 31

AEDC WMA - Drop the Tailgate

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