Knoxville ITS Architecture
The Knoxville Regional ITS Architecture is a living document that was first developed in 2000 and has sincebeen updated in both 2003 and 2012. Since the last update, a number of local ITS projects includingnumerous Traffic Operations Centers (TOCs) and Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) deployments are underway throughout many cities and counties in the Knoxville region. With that in mind, it is critical to keep regional ITS architectures up to date so that they accurately reflect current ITS conditions in the region and account for changes in the region’s needs and visions.
In March of 2020, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) and the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) began the update of the Knoxville Regional ITS Architecture to be completed in 2020. This effort took place over the course of 8 months in tandem with the Mobility Plan 2045 effort.
Project Documents
Regional ITS Architecture
Knoxville Regional ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan *(Updated 2021)*
External Link
Knoxville Regional TPO
NOTE: All documents on this web page are in PDF format.