Clarksville ITS Architecture
Originally developed in 2006, the Clarksville Urbanized Area Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture provides a framework for implementing ITS projects within the Clarksville Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CUAMPO) Region. Simply defined, ITS is the application of electronic technologies and communications to improve the operation of a transportation network. ITS can improve safety, support transit and ridesharing, improve reliability, and support environmental sustainability by reducing delay and emissions resulting from delay. A regional ITS architecture encourages interoperability and resource sharing among agencies, identifies applicable standards to apply to ITS projects, and allows for cohesive long-range planning among regional stakeholders.
This 2020 update to the Clarksville Urbanized Area Regional (ITS) Architecture allows the region’s transportation stakeholders to plan for what they want their transportation network to look like in the long-term with respect to the incorporation of ITS technology. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) require that ITS projects show conformance with the regional ITS architecture to be eligible for federal funding from either agency. In order to show this conformance, it is important that any region deploying ITS have an updated regional ITS architecture in place.
The CUAMPO Region is comprised of Montgomery County in Tennessee and the southeast portion of Christian County in Kentucky, which includes the City of Oak Grove and a small portion of the City of Hopkinsville. When developing the stakeholder group to guide this regional ITS architecture update, the project team coordinated with CUAMPO to invite the appropriate city, county, regional, state and federal agencies from throughout the Region. Stakeholders included both local city and county representatives as well as representatives from Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Traffic Operations Division in Nashville, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 2 (KYTC) in Madisonville, and FHWA from the Tennessee Division Office in Nashville and Kentucky Division Office in Frankfort.
Project Documents
Regional ITS Architecture
Clarksville Regional ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan *(Updated 2020)*
External Link
Clarksville Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
NOTE: All documents on this web page are in PDF format.