November 22, 2024 SBE Meeting

November 22, 2024


November 22, 2024

9:00 am


TCAT Stanton Extension Campus (Blue Oval City) 8285 TN-222 Stanton, TN 38069 Livestream link:

Click here to join meeting electronically

Welcome and Introductions

I.             Consent Items

                A.            Adoption of Agenda

                B.            Minutes from August 16, 2024 SBE Meeting

                C.            Teacher Licensure Discipline Settlement Approvals   
                                An item to approve settlements on four licensure
                                actions as recommended by State Board attorneys.   

                D.            State Board Training Advisory Committee Member
                                An item to approve State Board Training Advisory Committee

II.            Report Items

                A.            State Board of Education Member Reports   
                                Members will share information about participation in regional stakeholder groups and days in the district.

                B.            Tennessee Early Literacy Assessment:  Educator Pass Rate Report      
                                Report item from the State Department of Education on first-time pass rate of applicable educator candidates on the                                          Tennessee Early Literacy Assessment (TELA), pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-5-5619(d).

                C.            Educator Vacancy Report 2023-24 
                                Report by the State Department of Education providing information on educator worforce shortages for the 2023-24                                          school year.   

                D.            State Board of Edudcation 2024 Master Plan Report      
                                Report item presents the State Board’s annual Master Plan Report with outcomes and next steps for each of the Board’s                                    goals under the Master Plan.

III.           Automatic Teacher Licensure Actions

                A.             Automatic Teacher Licensure Actions:  Revocation & Permanent Revocation 
                                 Item to approve automatic licensure revocation actions as recommended by State Board attorneys.

IV.          Teacher Licensure Discipline Actions

                A.              Martin Binhammer  – Suspension – Three (3) Months with Professional Development

                B.              Whitney Boynton – Suspension, Three (3) Years Concurrent with Criminal Probation

                C.              Craig Brown – Formal Reprimand

                D.             Helen Campbell – Restoration with Stipulation

                E.              James Combs – Suspension, Six (6) Months Retroactive

                F.              Debra Dickey – Suspension, Six (6) Months retroactive with Professional Development

                G.             Jacob Downey – Suspension, Fifteen (15) Months Retroactive

                H.            Stacey Huey – Suspension – Three (3) Months Retroactive with Professional Development

                 I.             Barris Johnson – Formal Reprimand with Professional Development

                 J.              Samuel Krahn – Suspension, Six (6) Months Retroactive with Proof of Counseling

                K.             Ryan Mallory – Formal Reprimand

                L.             Robert Meadows – Suspension, Three (3) Months Retroactive with Professional Development

                M.           Preston Meyer – Voluntary Surrender, Permanent

                N.            Kyle Rivers – Suspension, Three (3) Months with Professional Development

                O.            John Salyers – Suspension, Two (2) Years with Proof of Treatment

                P.             Jacob Shafer – Voluntary Surrender, Permanent

                Q.            Brenda Smith – Formal Reprimand

                R.            Robert Warren – Restoration

V.            Action Items (First Reading)    
                Note:  Redlines reflect changes proposed on first reading ONLY.

                 A.          Educator Licensure Policy 5.502       
                               First reading of item to revise the policy to align with recently approved revisions to the Educator Licensure Rule and revise                                 the endorsements section by establishing two new endorsements, amending the option for endorsements determined                                     to be added by assessment-only to reflect assessment- or coursework-only, and removing specific grade bands from                                           allowable district flexibilities and identifies the Department as the determining source of applicable endorsement                                                 flexibilities.
                                             Redline Version

                 B.           Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards             
                                First reading of revisions to several CTE course standards and the addition of courses within specific CTE career clusters.
                                                 Early Childhood Education Clean                Energey Clean                 Marketing & Sales Clean 
                                                 Early Childhood Education Redline             Energy Redline                Marketing & Saled Redline

                 C.            Fine Arts Academic Standards    
                                 First reading of revisions to the Fine Arts Standards.  These standard revisions will go into effect for district                                                               implementation in the 2028-29 school year.
                                             Redline Version

                 D.            Individualized Education Accounts Rule 0520-01-11-.02, -.03, -.04, -.06, -.08, and -.10     
                                 First reading of item to revise criminal background checks to cross-reference and align with the existing approval                                                   requirements for non-public schools, add a deadline to the return of IEA participation agreement documentation,                                                 specify the minimum amount of the annual award that must be expended each contract year to avoid funds being                                               withheld in the next contract year, add options for financial verification, remove references to expense reports                                                       throughout the rule, and edit language around the appeals process.
                                              Redline Version

                 E.            Graduation Substitutions Policy 3.103       
                                 First reading of item to clarify the allowability of using a course substitution to satisfy one graduation requirement and                                       elective focus.
                                             Redline Version

                 F.            High School Policy 2.103    
                                First reading of item to align the policy with recently approved revisions to the Academic and Program Requirements Rule.
                                             Redline Version

VI:            Action Items (Final Reading)    
                  Note: Redlines reflect changes proposed between first and final reading ONLY. For changes proposed and approved on first                              reading, please refer to the relevant agenda item from a previous meeting.

                  A.            Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105            
                                  Final reading of item to clarify assessment requirements for various endorsements.  There have been no changes to this                                    item since first reading.

                  B.            Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.03, -.05, -.08, and -.10    
                                  Final reading of item to revise various sections of the rule to amend degree requirements for license issuance to include                                    regional and nationally recognized accreditation organizations approved by the Council for Higher Education                                                          Accreditation (CHEA) or the United States Department of Education (USDOE).  Minor typographical and formatting                                                changes were made on final reading that do not impact the substance of the rule.  
                                             Redline Version

                  C.            Educator Preparation Rule 0520-02-04-.04, -.08, and -.10      
                                  Final  reading of  item to  amend  EPP approval  and admission  requirements  to include regional and nationally                                                    recognized accreditation organizations approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the United                                    States Department of Education (USDOE).  This item also amends the requirements for clinical practice observation.                                            There have been changes to this item since first reading.
                                             Redline Version

                  D.            State Approved Textbooks: Section D (Science)   
                                  Final reading of item to approve science materials for adoption.  There have been changes to this item since first reading.
                                             Redline Version

                  E.            District and School Operations - Repeal School Safety Rule 0520-01-02-.30             
                                  Final reading of item to repeal School Safety Rule 0520-01-02-.30 as the requirements in the rule are either outdated or                                      contained in law.  There have been no changes to this item since first reading.

                  F.             Health Education Course Standards     
                                  Final reading of item to revise the Health Education Standards to add prevention of internet crimes to the 9-12                                                      standards in accordance with Chapter 571 of the Public Acts of 2024.  This item also makes minor clerical corrections to                                      the K-5 and 6-8 standards.  Additional technical corrections were made to the Grades K-5 and Grades 6-8 standards                                            since first reading.
                                                   Grades K-5 Clean                   Grades 6-8 Clean                     Grades 9-12 Attachment
                                                   Grades K-5 Redline                Grades 6-8 Redline

                  G.            Academic and Instructional Requirements - Promotion and Retention Rule 0520-01-03-.16                                                                                                        Final reading of item to update the Promotion and Retention Rule to align with Chapter 829 and Chapter 989 of the                                             Public Acts of 2024.  Revisions detail the definition of a documented academic and behavioral delay if a parent chooses                                       to retain a student in grades K-2 and updates promotion pathways to the 5th grade if student does not demonstrate                                           adequate growth on the 4th grade TCAP.  There have been changes to this item since first reading.
                                             Redline Version

                  H.            Academic and Instructional Requirements - Universal Student Screeners and State Adopted Benchmark Assessments                                                        Rule 0520-01-03-.15   
                                  Final reading of item to remove references in the rule to the summer programming pe-test to align with Chapter 639 of                                      the Public Acts of 2024. Minor changes have been made since first reading to correct legal citations.  
                                             Redline Version

                   I.             Residential Mental Health Facilities Rules 0520-01-20-.02 through -.05     
                                  Final reading of  item to  effectuate Public  Chapter   884 of the  2024  legislative session.  This item updates the                                                      Residential Mental Health Facilities Rule to align student eligibility and facility requirements with Public Chapter 884 for                                      LEAs to allocate state and local funding to out-of-state residential mental health facilities under certain conditions.                                                There have been no changes to this item since first reading.

                    J.            Middle Grades Policy 2.102    
                                  Final reading of item to add the middle school computer science course requirement to the policy to align with the law.                                      There have been no changes to this item since first reading.

                   K.            Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards    
                                   Final reading of revisions to several CTE courses.   There have been changes to this item since first reading.
                                             Advanced Manufacturing                                                                                Human Services
                                             Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources                                                       Information Technology
                                             Architecture & Construction                                                                           Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security                                                         Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, & Communication                                    Marketing, Distribution, & Logistics
                                             Business Management & Administration Clean                                        STEM
                                             Business Management & Administration Redline                                    Transportation
                                             Education & Training Clean                                                                             Middle School Career Awareness Courses
                                             Education & Training Redline                                                                          Elective Course
                                             Government & Public Administration
                                              Health Science
                                              Hospitality & Tourism Clean
                                              Hospitality & Tourism Redline

                    L.             State Identified 2023-24 Reward Schools   
                                    First and final reading of item to present a  list of Reward Schools identified for the 2023-24 school year.

                   M.            State Identified 2023-24 Exemplary Districts     
                                    First and final reading of item to present a list of Exemplary Districts identified for the 2023-24 school year.

                   N.             State Identified 2023-24 In Need of Improvement Districts   
                                     First and final reading of item to present a list of In Need of Improvement Districts identified for the 2023-24 school                                             year.

                   O.            Textbook and Instructional Materials Waiver Request:  Houston County Schools Founder’s Academy:  Algebra I,                                                                   Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics   
                                   First and final reading of an LEA request for Textbook and Instructional materials Waivers.

VII.            Other Business

VIII:           Adjournment

                                                                                             MEETING DATES FOR 2025:

                                                                                                    February 21, 2025

                                                                                                        May 30, 2025

                                                                                                     August 15, 2025

                                                                                                   November 21, 2025