September 21, 2020
11:00 am
URL: https://bit.ly/3mIcSun Password: 5corevalues Event Number/Access Code: 171 828 5002 Phone Number: 415-655-0003
I. Statement of Necessity
II. Consent Items (Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Adoption of Agenda
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
Final reading of policy to propose pedagogical and content
assessment requirements for a new Mathematics 6-10
endorsement. There have been changes since first reading.
B. Local Education Agency (LEA) COVID-19 Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
C. Additional Local Education Agency (LEA) COVID-19 Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-
19 Public Health Emergency.
D. Basic Education Program (BEP) Allocations for Fiscal Year 2020-21
First and final reading of item to establish the BEP allocations for the 2020-21 school year.
IV. Charter School Appeals (Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Cornerstone Prep School Appeal
Final reading of the appeal by Cornerstone Prep School to the State Board of Education.
B. Ivy Prep Academy Appeal
Final reading of the appeal by Ivy Pep Academy to the State Board of Education.
C. KIPP Antioch College Prep High School Appeal
Final reading of the appeal by KIPP Antioch College Prep High School to the State Board of Education.
D. Memphis School of Excellence Cordova Appeal
Final reading of the appeal by Memphis School of Excellence Cordova to the State Board of Education.
E. Nashville Collegiate Prep Appeal
Final reading of the appeal by Nashville Collegiate Prep to the State Board of Education.
IV. Adjournment