August 17, 2020
10:00 am
URL: https://bit.ly/30ddBKN Password: 5corevalues
I. Statement of Necessity
II. Consent Items (Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Adoption of Agenda
III. Action Items (First Reading - Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Textbook and Instructional Materials Waivers Permanent Rule
First reading of rule to establish a process for the State Board to
review textbook and instructional material waiver requests from LEAs pursuant to Public Chapter 770 of 2020.
B. Board Meetings Policy 1.400
First reading of revisions to policy to add textbook and instructional materials waiver requests to list of items that may be approved on only one reading.
C. Virtual Schools Rule 0520-01-03-.05
First reading of item to amend several requirements with regard to public virtual schools to modernize practices and address class size maximum for publci virtual schools and virtual education programs.
Rule amended during meeting
D. Evaluation Rule 0520-02-01
First reading of item to incorporate components of the Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201 into rule pursuant to Public Chapter 929 of 2018.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Textbook and Instructional Materials Waivers Emergency Rule 0520-01-18
First and final reading of new rule to promptly establish a process for the State Board to review textbook and instructional material waivers requests from LEAs pursuant to Public Chapter 770 of 2020.
B. Requirements for 2019-20 and 2020-21 School Year as a Result of the COVID-19 Health Emergency Rule 0520-01-03-.11
First and final reading of rule to establish a waiver process for textbooks and instructional materials used during remote instruction in the 2020-21 school year pursuant to an approved continuous learning plan.
C. Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) Policies 6304 and 6304.1
First and final reading of updates to policies related to State Board-authorized charter schools.
Policy 6304 Policy 6304.1
D. Local Education Agency (LEA) COVID-19 Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
E. Additional Local Education Agency (LEA) Requested COVID-19 Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
F. Continuous Learnnig Plans for the 2020-21 School Year Rule 0520-01-17-.01
First and final reading of new section of rule to clarify allowable flexibility for public virtual schools and virtual education programs regarding class size maximums.
V. Charter School Appeal Items (Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Charter Appeal – Gaffney Athletic Preparatory Academy
First and final reading of charter appeal by Gaffney Atheltic Preparatory Academy.
VI. Adjournment