Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDFs) are primarily affected by environmental rules from Air Pollution Control (APC) and Underground Storage Tanks (UST). Depending on particular work done at your facility, certain Division of Water Resources (DWR) or Division of Remediation (Remediation) permits and requirements may also affect your facility. APC rules cover best management practices and Stage I and II Vapor Controls. UST rules cover installation through removal of underground storage tanks. This includes types of tests and records necessary for the life of the tank. DWR permits would usually be necessary for construction or activities that affect water in some way. Remediation is very closely tied to UST and DWR in the event there is a cleanup necessary.
Permit-by-Rule Effective August 15, 2017**
The Division of Air Pollution Control has implemented Permit-by-Rule for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities. GDFs are now able to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for authorization under Permit-by-Rule. To find out more about Permit-by-Rule go to the SBEAP Permit-by-Rule webpage or the permit and notification information sections below for either New or Existing Facilities (see below).
Revisions to the State Rule Effective July 14th, 2016**
On July 14, 2016, revisions to the State of TN rule for Stage I and II Vapor recovery took effect. Primarily, these revisions make the State rule more similar to the Federal GDF rule. It will also remove the requirement for Stage II Vapor Recovery within Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson Counties. Davidson County is a local air program and as such will be developing their own rule revision separately. After July 14, 2016, Stage II will no longer be required to be installed in new GDFs by the State of TN. Existing Stage II systems should be decommissioned by July 14, 2019, using the Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI) guidance, “Recommended Practices for Installation and Testing of Vapor Recovery Systems at Vehicle Fueling Sites, PEI/RP300-09”. See the Permitting and Notification Information for Existing Facilities page for more information.