Storm Water Runoff Management
Storm water runoff is simply rain water or ice and snow melt that runs off the land into streams, rivers, and lakes. When storm water runs through polluted sites it picks up pollutants and transport them into water ways. As such, storm water runoff is regulated by the Clean Water Act. Storm water runoff can be managed through pollution prevention plans and management practices. The following are different areas of Storm water Management where more information is available.
Attention: The SPCC plan is occasionally amended as materials that are required to have an SPCC are added or removed. To see complete information on the SPPC plan and keep informed of any updates, please follow this link to the EPA SPCC plan web page.
Auto Salvage
- Storm Water Management
- Achieving Compliance with the Storm Water Rule & Other Environmental Rules for Auto Salvage Yard
- Notice of Intent (NOI) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity under the Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP) (CN-1108)
- Example of a completed NOI form
- Sample Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
- Storm Water Best Management Practices Automotive Maintenance & Car Care
ECOS: Small Communities Storm Water
DEC and Environmental Council of States (ECOS):
The Department of Environment and Conservation, Office of Environmental Assistance has conducted a small communities Train the Trainer Storm Water management project. The project intent was to help apply storm water management activities of small communities. The Department of Environment and Conservation looks forward to a productive partnership with Tennessee’s small communities and local governments in our efforts to ensure a clean and safe environment for our citizens. Below are links to the materials developed for this project.