Boiler Rule Update – March 2014
In order to comply with the boiler rule, affected organizations must file the required documents with both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Tennessee’s Air Pollution Control Division. As of January 1, 2014, EPA requires all Notifications of Compliance Status to be submitted electronically using the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI), part of EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX).
TN Air Pollution Control recently received access to the EPA system. As such, organizations only need to submit their Notification of Compliance Status electronically through CEDRI to the EPA. Organizations do not need to mail, email or fax a copy to TN Air Pollution Control, as indicated on the forms mailed by the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program.
For questions or concerns about this or any other matter related to the boiler regulations, please contact the SBEAP.
New Resources:
- How to register with the CDX and CEDRI (video)
- How to submit your Notification of Compliance Status report (video)
- Videos that explain who must comply and how to comply with the new boiler regulations
- EPA web page on the Boiler 6J rule.
Rules for Entities with Boilers
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a revised rule in an effort to reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants from existing and new boilers. Referred to as the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Small/Area Sources (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart JJJJJJ), a copy of the rule is available at the Electronic Code of the Federal Register.
According to the EPA rule, all facilities (except those located in Davidson, Hamilton, Knox, or Shelby counties) with a boiler that burns coal, oil, or biomass must take the following actions (based on size, fuel, and date of the construction of the boiler) and file relevant paperwork:
- Submit an Initial Notification to TDEC and EPA by January 20, 2014.
- Perform a tune-up or energy assessment by March 21, 2014.
- Demonstrate compliance with emission limits by March 21, 2014.
- Submit a notice of compliance status for tune-up, energy assessment, and emission limits to the State and EPA by July 19, 2014.
Small businesses can contact the SBEAP at 1-800-734-3619 (toll-free) or (email) for free, confidential assistance with understanding what has to be done and how to do it.
Rule Coverage:
This is to help explain what types of boilers are affected by the rule:
- Gas (all types): No requirements/ Not covered by rule
- Coal
- Numeric emission limits for 2 pollutants (mercury(Hg), carbon monoxide(CO) )
- 1-time energy assessment
- Biomass, Oil
- Tune-up every other year
- 1-time energy assessment
- No numeric emission limits
- Gas: No requirements/ Not covered by rule
- Coal, Biomass, Oil:
- Tune-up every other year
- No numeric emission limits
- Energy assessments aren’t required
- Gas (all types):
- No requirements/ Not covered by rule
- Coal boilers:
- Emission limits for three pollutants: particulates, Hg and CO
- Biomass/Oil:
- Emission limit for particulates
- Tune ups every other year
- Gas (all types):
- No requirements/ Not covered by rule
- Coal, Biomass, Oil:
- Tune up every other year
- No emission limit or energy audits required
There are additional requirements depending on if the boiler is new or existing, small or large. Complete information can be found in the Small Entity Compliance Guide for Area Source Boilers.
This Page Last Updated: December 20, 2024 at 10:42 AM