Hot Mix Asphalt Producers

Are You in Compliance?

There are a number of potential environmental impacts related to the production of Hot Mix Asphalt. As a facility owner, your asphalt production operation requires environmental permits. To help address air permit requirements, an Air Compliance Checklist has been prepared by SBEAP for asphalt plants. Some of the air compliance issues facing your industry include fugitive dust, blue smoke, open burning and emissions that occur during asphalt production.

Air permits are issued from regulatory agencies such as Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Air Pollution Control Division (APC). Contact your local Air Pollution Control agency if your facility is located in Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga or Memphis. If you’re a small source the SBEAP can assist you with completing your permit applications. For State of Tennessee air permit applications: (Click) - APC 100 and 108 to get copies.

If you currently have an air permit, remember to re-apply at least 60 days or more (check permit condition) before your permit expires. If your source is small and you need a construction air permit, you should allow 60 days before any construction activity and larger sources should allow at least 120 days. An application fee is due with the application (Click here for application fee). Once a permit is issued, you should carefully read your permit conditions.

Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Products Manufacturing

**Final Area Source Rule for Asphalt Processing and Roofing Products **

New! Notice to Owners and Operators of Asphalt Processing and Roofing Products Manufacturing at small/area sources

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made effective an Area Source Rule on December 2, 2009, National Emission Standards Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) for asphalt processing and roofing products manufacturing. The rule applies to operations that may produce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), a hazardous air pollutant (HAP). The rule particularly covers ONLY sources where the primary activity of the facility is Asphalt Processing or Roofing Products manufacturing. Affected facilities are identified by NAICS codes 324110 and 324122.

Who Must Comply with Rule?

This rule applies to any facility with a primary operation in one of the above NAICS code(s). For review of the rule – see link: Electronic Federal Register link to the rule

Asphalt processing and roofing products facilities should review the rule and submit an initial notice by April 1, 2010, to state whether or not the rule applies to their facility operation. The notice should be submitted to the Tennessee Air Pollution Control Office and the EPA. Sources located in a local air pollution control program area (Knox, Shelby, Davidson or Hamilton counties) should contact the appropriate local air pollution control agency for instructions.

When Must I Comply with Rule?

Affected facilities are required to be in compliance by December 2, 2010. New sources must be in compliance when they begin to operate. To verify compliance the owner/ operator may need to meet emission limits by pollution controls and/or management practices, conduct visible emissions monitoring, submit semi-annual reports to provide compliance status and conduct record keeping.

For more information, see the Asphalt Rule published at EPA’s website and SBEAP assistance tools that include a fact sheetnotification letter and Sample Initial Notice.

For more information about Tennessee's Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, please contact the program at 1-800-734-3619 or by email at