Small Business Environmental Assistance Program

The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) provides assistance to help Tennessee small businesses understand and comply with environmental regulations. It is important to note the following about SBEAP assistance:

  • Non-Regulatory – SBEAP staff are not regulators and do not have regulatory authority. Therefore, small businesses will not be penalized for reporting relevant environmental information to SBEAP staff when requesting assistance.
  • Confidential – While the SBEAP serves as a liaison between the regulatory agencies and small businesses, no details about the company working with SBEAP is provided to regulators, as the information is protected under the Clean Air Act.
  • Assistance – SBEAP develops outreach opportunities and materials – training programs, brochures, webinars, site visits – to help small businesses under the state and federal environmental regulations that affect them.   
  • Multi-Media – While most of the assistance provided is related to air regulations, staff also provides assistance related to water and land regulations.

The SBEAP provides assistance to businesses that contact them directly, to businesses referred to them by regulatory inspectors or permit writers, and to businesses the SBEAP identifies may be impacted by a new EPA or state regulation.  Generally, we define a small business as any business that does not employ a full-time staff member for environmental compliance or oversight.

Contact us if you need assistance
Hotline: 800-734-3619

We are here to help!
Businesses assisted in 2023: 276
Different types of businesses: 111
See the full report! 

How can we better serve you?
Take a brief survey to let us know!


Resources for Farmers and Agribusiness: Hemp and CBD Oil, Sawmills and Lumber, and other Assistance group resources.

Permit by Rule

Information on Permit by Rule for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities and Emergency Engines.

Gasoline Dispensing Facilities

Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDFs) are primarily affected by environmental rules from Air Pollution Control (APC) and Underground Storage Tanks (UST).

Paint Manufacturing & Painting

Paints and Allied Products Manufacturing (7C), Surface Coating and Paint Stripping (6H)


Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan and Storm Water Runoff Management

Metal Plating & Fabrication

Aluminum, Copper, and other Nonferrous Foundries (6Z); Chromium Electroplating (N); Ferroalloy Production Facilities (6Y); Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing (6X); Plating and Polishing (6W)

Manufacturing & Materials Production

Chemicals Manufacturing (6V), Hot Mix Asphalt Producers (7A), Ready Mix Concrete, and Reinforced Plastic Composites (4V and 4W)

Additional Information

Additional Resources for both Environmental and non-Environmental issues,  Hazardous Air Pollutant list, Self-Disclosure, EPCRA, and Energy Conservation resources.

Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers

Rules relating to Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers

Social Media and Newsletters

Follow us on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn. Also, sign-up for the newsletter and review past newsletters.

Meet the SBEAP Team

Want to know who the SBEAP team members are? 

If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.