General Permits are now an option
The Tennessee Division of Air Pollution Control has issued general permits for the Dry Cleaner source category. General permits apply to non-major sources within specific source categories, in this case dry cleaners. General permits act as both construction and operating permits for sources that apply for coverage under a general permit. This is expected to help small businesses as the permits should be issued more quickly and in a simplified process. More information about general permits, the Notice of Intent form, and the general permits for perchloroethylene (perc) and petroleum solvent dry cleaners can be found on the General Permits web page.
General permits are an option for dry cleaners. Dry cleaners may chose to be covered under a general permit or apply for a standard, individualized permit. General permits have the advantages of no application fee, only needing a single application rather than two separate ones for construction and then operating permits, and allowing for uniform requirements for a dry cleaners operating in a similar manner. This also should decrease the time necessary for issuing the Notification of Coverage which will provide the details of when coverage under the general permit begins and when it expires. Facilities will be notified of the need to reapply for coverage prior to the expiration date, similar to how facilities are notified of the impending expiration of their standard permits. General permits for dry cleaners incorporate all the requirements of the Federal and State air rules relating to dry cleaners, some of which is explained below.
For Perchloroethylene (Perc) Drycleaners
On July 27, 2006, EPA published new regulations for perc drycleaners. These regulations revised the 1993 federal rules affecting perc drycleaners. The revisions changed perc drycleaner permitting requirements. The State Air Pollution Control Division revised and reissued these needed permits in 2008. All perc drycleaners should have a permit with an issuance date of 2008 or later.
The new perc rule revision:
- Required affected sources to submit a notification of the status of compliance with all provisions of the revised rule by July 28 , 2008
- Banned new construction of perc drycleaners located in residential buildings (co-located)
- Phased out perc use at co-located drycleaners by Dec. 21, 2020
- Eliminated the use of transfer machines after July 27, 2008
- Requires a dry-to-dry machine with refrigerated condensers that recirculates the perc vapor stream through a non-vented carbon adsorber before the door is opened.
- Strengthened monitoring and record keeping with the following:
- Required a monthly perc leak check using an instrument capable of detecting a perc vapor concentration of 25 ppmv in addition to the required weekly perceptible leak check.
- Added ‘all’ filter housings to list of required sites of inspection, replacing the ‘cartridge’ filter housing
- Increased the methods that can be used in the weekly monitoring of the refrigerated system performance to include the option of using the monitoring of the range between the high and low pressures during the drying cycle
For more information including a summary of the new rule requirements, click here for a brochure.
Air Pollution
In Tennessee air pollution is regulated in five geographical areas. There is a TN Division of Air Pollution Control regulatory program and four local air pollution control programs. The state regulates sources in ninety one counties.
- All drycleaners regulated by the State should apply for a permit to construct at least 120 days before commencing construction.
- Existing sources with operating permits should renew their operating permit 60 days prior to the permit’s expiration date.
Sources in the following counties are regulated by local programs.
Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program (DCERP)
All drycleaners must register with the DCERP. Visit the DCERP permit page for information.
Hazardous Waste Management
All Perc Drycleaners are hazardous waste generators. For general hazardous waste regulatory information visit the hazardous waste permit page.
New Federal Uniform Manifest for Hazardous Waste Generators and Hazardous Waste Handlers.
Special Waste Management
Most non-perc drycleaning waste is classified as Special Waste. Visit the special waste permit page for general Special Waste information.
Quick Reference
- Dry Cleaners! Did You Know? - An overview of Tennessee Regulatory Requirements for Dry Cleaners.
- New Perc Rule brochure that summarizes the rule requirements
- Helpful Information on record keeping and reporting for non perc facilities
- Chapter 400-15-3 Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program (DCERP) Regulations
- Chapter 1200-3-31-.13 - State air pollution regulations for perchloroethylene dry cleaners
- Chapter 1200-3-18-.36 - Volatile organic compounds regulations for Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners
- Chapter 1200-3-16-.49 - New Source Performance Standards for Petroleum Dry Cleaners
This Page Last Updated: December 20, 2024 at 11:34 AM