Drycleaner Environmental Response Program Annual Registration
For more information on requirements for drycleaners in Tennessee, please visit the Drycleaner Environmental Response Program website.
Active drycleaners and former drycleaners can to enter the Drycleaner Environmental Response Program, also known as DCERP. DCERP was created to help owners and operators of drycleaning facilities, be able to clean up their property that has been affected by drycleaning solvent.
The program has two parts. Annual registration is required for all operating drycleaners, closed facilities participating in environmental response, and solvent distributors. Active drycleaners, solvent distributors, and participants in environmental response pay a yearly fee. These fees are used to pay for the program.
The second part is Environmental Response Activities. Environmental Response Activities are voluntary. This allows for drycleaners to apply for help to clean up their contaminated property. All drycleaners are required to register to operate a drycleaner in TN, but are not required to enter the response side. In other words, even though you are registered to operate a drycleaner, you may not be registered for assistance with the costs to clean up a contaminated drycleaning site. Please visit the Drycleaner Environmental Response Program webpage for additional information including registration fees and forms.
The following are additional helpful references/publications:
This Page Last Updated: January 17, 2024 at 10:54 AM