Whites Mill Refuge

Directions and Description

WMA Region 4 map

Site Directions:  From the intersection of TN 321 and S Washington Street at Maryville College, continue east 0.6 miles, at the light at the bottom of the hill turn right on Tuckaleechee Pike, continue 3 mi, and turn right on Whites Mill Road.  After 1.6 miles Whites Mill Road turns to the right, and follow this 0.4 miles to the bottom, the refuge is on the left before you cross the bridge, there is a pull-off on the right or room for 1 or 2 cars at the entrance.  Don't block the gate.  Lat-Long: 35.73429, -83.88277

The Refuge is open year-round during daylight hours, please note hunting seasons.   License fees may apply.  

TWRA Contact Information: Region 4 office: 1-423-587-7037, Toll-Free: 1-800-332-0900, Email the office, Matt Jellicorse 1-423-587-7037

Description: Whites Mill Refuge is a 53-acre wetland area and one of the first MARSH projects in East Tennessee cooperating with Ducks Unlimited.  This area was the first area in Region 4 to open to youth waterfowl hunters every Saturday during the late waterfowl season. Each youth 6-16 may hunt if accompanied by an adult who may also hunt.  Marsh birds predominate: Breeders likely include Canada Goose, Wood Duck, Green Heron, and Belted Kingfisher.

Many other birds are seen such as Red-shouldered Hawk, Eastern Screech-Owl, Eastern Kingbird, White-eyed Vireo, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Indigo Buntings. Transients noted include American Bittern, Sedge Wren, and Prairie Warbler.   The habitat looks promising for Sora, Virginia Rail, and Willow Flycatcher.  Many species of amphibians have been seen and heard.

WMA Directions
Interactive Map of WMA

Buy a license link
Hunting Regulations Link

Regulations & Dates

Closed to all activity from Nov. 15 to the last day of the youth waterfowl season, except legal hunters on Saturdays.  

Waterfowl, Snipe - Youth/Adult only - Youths must be accompanied by a licensed adult who may also hunt. Saturdays only from staked positions.

Bullfrog - March 1 - Nov. 14, gigs only.

TN Hunting Season Summary

2023-24 Hunting Guide


Whites Mill Refuge
Whites Mill Refuge White Salamander
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