Wildlife Viewing Education Tools
Here are a few websites and groups educators.
Environmental Education in Tennessee, also referred to as EEinTennessee.org, is a comprehensive resource for locating outdoor programs, groups, workshops, and classroom activities/ideas in Tennessee.
Flying WILD s a program that promotes learning about birds by bringing students, teachers, and communities together to celebrate Migratory Bird Day.
Project WILD s a wildlife-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students.
Project WET Water Education projects
Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a page with exercises to Celebrate Urban Birds. Free stuff!!
The Discover Birds Activity Book is an educational publication packed with lively illustrations and fun activities designed to get students of all ages excited about birds. The book is aimed at third-grade level but is appropriate for kindergarten to sixth graders. If you'd like to obtain books for your students, cub scouts, girls scouts or campers contact Cyndi Routledge at routledges@bellsouth.net