BEP Reports Archive
2014 Final BEP Report
2014-2015 BEP Blue Book
2014 BEP 2.0 Allocations
2014-2015 State Minimum Salary Schedule
ARCC Teacher Compensation Literature Review Full Report, submitted to the BEP Review Committee September 2014.
2012 Final BEP Report
2012-2013 BEP Blue Book
2012 BEP 2.0 Allocations
2012 BEP Minimum Salary Schedule Teachers , Superintendent
A. Salary Disparity
1. Total Teacher Compensation Methodology
2. Total Teacher Compensation Summary
3. PowerPoint Presentation
4. Salary Equity Analysis, Exhibits 1 - 9
5. Regional Disparity Methodology
6. Regional Disparity Summary
7. Regional Disparity Analysis
8. Regional Disparity, Regions Defined
B. BEP Administrative and Instructional Technology
1. Members of the sub-committee
2. Cost to reach U.S. instructional computer average
3. Cost of immediate priority recommendations
4. Extended priorities
C. Senate Joint Resolution 1180 & BEP 2.0
1. Local Budget Survey
2. Discussion Points
3. Fiscal Scenarios
4. Maintenance of Effort Options
5. Roll Call Vote
6. Maintenance of Effort Options Amendment
2006 BEP Review Committee Annual Report
2006 Report Summary (Presentation)
Apr. 2006: BEP Resolution presented to the Board, with the approval of the commissioners of education and finance and administration. This resolution was presented to the legislature for approval.
Jan. 2006 Presentation to Select Oversight Committee