Forestry Grants Available to Protect Private Forestlands
NASHVILLE – A special round of Forest Legacy Program (FLP) funding is giving landowners an opportunity to ensure forest conservation benefits for generations to come.
“Conversion of forest land into areas for housing or commercial buildings is a significant threat in Tennessee," State Forester David Arnold said. "However, there are grants available to landowners who want to keep their forests productive for generations. These grants encourage sustainable forest management and support strong markets for forest products. FLP provides landowners with options to keep their land private and support economies and conservation.”
FLP is a conservation program administered by the U.S. Forest Service in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry to protect privately-owned forest lands from conversion to non-forest uses through conservation easements or land purchases. Federal grant funds pay for conservation easements that restrict development and allow landowners to continue to own and manage their land.
Project proposals may be submitted now through Jan. 19, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. CST. Applications that offer significant natural carbon sequestration benefits or provide benefits to underserved populations will be prioritized.
Keeping Tennessee land in traditional forest uses contributes to improved water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, timber, fuel wood, other forest products, and recreation opportunities through active forest management. FLP in Tennessee currently conserves 53,315 acres valued at $59 million across the state.
Find the request for proposal package and more information about Tennessee’s FLP at For questions about FLP, contact Assistant State Forester Heather Slayton at 615-837-5432 or
The Division of Forestry protects and promotes the responsible use of forest resources in Tennessee. Focus areas include assisting landowners with a variety of services, providing quality tree seedlings, supporting forest health programs, collecting forest inventory data, assisting forest industries, and fighting wildland fires. Visit for more information.