Our Work

The Urban & Community Forestry (U&CF) Program's goal is to improve urban environments through planting and management of trees. It promotes the establishment of urban forestry programs in cities and towns, assists them in developing self-sustaining urban and community forestry programs, and provides technical assistance.

In addition to technical assistance, the urban forestry staff administers grants that help communities initiate or expand their local urban and forestry programs, and grants that help communities and non-profits plant trees on public land.


Urban Forestry in Tennessee

Tennessee’s urban forestry landscape is diverse, with efforts spanning small towns to large cities. The program works closely with municipalities, schools, nonprofits, and community groups to integrate tree conservation and planting into broader environmental and public health strategies.

By strengthening local tree boards, facilitating tree canopy assessments, and fostering public-private partnerships, the program helps communities build resilience to climate change, improve urban livability, and address issues of tree equity.