
What to expect?
• The farm will be contacted by a Produce Safety inspector to schedule a farm visit during the harvest of at least one crop.
• The Produce Safety inspector will ask some general questions about the farm, including topics such as produce grown on the farm, types of facilities, types of buyers, etc.
• The Produce Safety inspector will speak with the owner/manager/food safety manager to become familiar with the farm, produce, facilities, etc.
• The Produce Safety inspector and farm representative will walk through how produce is grown, harvested, packed and held on the farm.
• The Produce Safety inspector will review any records required by FSMA.
• The Produce Safety inspector will recap any observations made during the site visit and records review.
• The Produce Safety inspector will provide a report to the Produce Safety Program Coordinator.
• The farm will be notified of the compliance determination.

How do I prepare for inspection?
• Attend the Produce Safety Alliance Growers training, or equivalent training.
• Familiarize yourself with the Produce Safety Rule
• Request technical assistance or an On-Farm Readiness Review prior to inspection.
To get more information on Produce Safety Inspections email or call the Food Safety line at (615) 837-5193.