Education and Training

On Farm Readiness Reviews (OFRR)
• OFRR is an educational opportunity intended to walk growers through what a Produce Safety inspection may look like and provide recommendations to improve their on-farm produce safety practices.
• Provides a personalized discussion about a farm’s food safety activities and alignment to what is required by the rule.
• It is entirely free and voluntary.
• Conducted by TDA and UT Extension
• Reach out to Cathy Rubin ( or Brooke Emery ( to schedule!
Technical Assistance on Produce Safety concerns such as:
- Understanding produce safety requirements under the PSR
- Providing support tools for farm staff training
- Providing general best management practices for improving on-farm produce safety
- Finding grant funding options for upgrading practices
- Assistance can either be in person, email or phone call

Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Growers Training
• PSA Grower Training Course is the foundation that teaches the clear understanding of practices and regulations contained in the Produce Safety Rule (PSR), Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and co-management information, and details on how to develop a farm food safety plan.
• It is a critical requirement of the PSR for those farms covered under the rule, however, the training is offered to all growers, independent of coverage.
• This training satisfies the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement for covered farms that "at least one supervisor or responsible party" completes "food safety training … recognized as adequate” by FDA (21 C.F.R. §112.22(c)).
• TDA has partnered with University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) to offer training (in person and remote) through out the year.
• For upcoming trainings, visit PSA Growers Training Schedule, visit PSA Growers Training Schedule.
Produce Safety Events and Workshop
• TDA and UTIA are hosting various Food Safety Workshops throughout the year.
• For upcoming events and workshops, visit UT Institute of Agriculture.
To get more information on OFRR, Technical Assistance and PSA Growers Training please email or call the Food Safety line at (615) 837-5193
Additional Resources:
Southern Center For Food Safety Training, Outreach and Technical Assistance