June 2024

Newsletter Content

C.E. Kord Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory Newsletter

KAHDL Staff Spotlight   |   Jamie Thompson, Microbiologist 

Jennifer Thompson, Microbiologist

The Kord Animal Health Laboratory (KAHDL) would like to introduce microbiologist Jamie Thompson, the Immunology and Serology sections supervisor. Jamie graduated from Missouri State University, where she earned her bachelor's degree in biology. After graduating, Jamie started her career at the Kord Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory in 2013. We are proud to share that Jaime is a military veteran and spent six years serving our United States Air Force. Jamie spends her free time baking cakes and sweets for many to enjoy and for partied events. She also loves her two cats. 

Dairy Cattle

HPAI in Dairy Cattle

Avian Influenza, also known as HPAI, has been detected in dairy cattle over several US states. Although there has been no detection of the virus in Tennessee, a Federal Order was issued April 29, 2024, and now requires testing for all interstate movement of dairy cattle across the United States. Whether you or your clients' animals are preparing for transport or showing symptoms, view the link below for additional resources. 


Updated Necropsy Submission Form

While performing necropsies is one of the most valuable services offered at Kord Animal Health Diagnostic Lab, gathering as much information about each animal is critical for our pathologist. For that reason, we have released a new version of the Necropsy Submission Form. Please download the latest submission form and all other submission forms to have ready for your next submission.

Website Update!

The TN Dept of Agriculture website has been updated. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the new format and locations of information you may need. For any help finding particular information for laboratory needs, please call us at (615) 837-5125.

KAHDL wants your feedback, comments, and reviews.

The feedback link can be found on the final report email. Questions change monthly and we encourage you to comment frequently to help us improve services.

C.E. Kord Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory 615.837.5125  436 Hogan Road,  Nashville, TN 37220     HOURS: Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.