White Oak WMA
Directions and Description
Directions: White Oak WMA straddles White Oak Creek between Milledgeville and Saltillo. Access can be made from multiple locations off Hwy 69 (Halley Road, Gospel Lane, Lebanon Loop), Sulfur Wells Road, Marshall Drive, Crooked Creek Lane, Orr Lane., McCollough Road, Chalk Road, and Ritter Road. Lat: 35.345013 Long: -88.300514
The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, please note hunting seasons. Licensing fees may apply.
TWRA Contact Information: Region 1 Office 1-731-423-5725, Toll-Free: 1-800-372-3928, E-mail the office
Description: White Oak WMA consists of bottomland hardwood forests, permanently flooded wetlands, upland hardwood, and mixed pine forests. Fields are managed for small game habitats with a focus on rabbits and quail with scattered food plots. Wetland and upland wildlife are abundant.
Regulations & Dates
All Small Game hunting is closed during Young Sportsman deer hunts.
All water traffic is prohibited five days before the opening day(s) of the statewide duck season.
CWD Carcass Transportation Regulations Apply
Big Game, Small Game, and Trapping and Dog Hunting are the same as statewide seasons except as noted below.
Closed to Fall Turkey hunting.
Turkey - One (1) non-quota: April 12 - May 4, 2025. The bag limit of one (1) male bearded turkey counts toward the statewide bag limit.
Turkey (Young Sportsman) - Same as statewide season.
Dove - Sept. 1, 2024, noon-sunset. Continuing with the statewide season.
Quail - Dec. 1 - 31, 2024.
Waterfowl - Same as statewide seasons, except as noted. Waterfowl hunting closes at 3 p.m. (CST) each day of the regular statewide waterfowl seasons, except the last day of duck seasons and remaining goose seasons when hunting closes at sunset. All types of water traffic are prohibited after 5 p.m.
No waterfowl hunters are permitted on the area or access areas before 4 a.m. opening day(s), and from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. the following days during the late duck season.
Waterfowl (Lebanon Pond) - The Lebanon Pond waterfowl hunting area will be allocated by computer draw as specified in the waterfowl quota hunt computer drawing and allocation procedures. Draw hunts will be opening weekend(s), Monday-Thursday, and Friday-Sunday within the late waterfowl seasons. Waterfowl hunting is restricted to temporary staked blind sites designated by GPS coordinates. Successful applicants and up to 7 guests will be required to hunt within 25 yards of staked blind sites and are required to hunt at the same temporary blind site for which they are drawn. Decoys and temporary blinds may be left out over the specified hunt period but must be removed upon completion of the hunt on the last day of that period.