Bark Camp Barrens WMA

Directions and Description

WMA Interactive Map

Site Directions: From Nashville, take I-24 east to Manchester exit 111 (Hwy 55),  go north on Hwy 55, and take the first right (Ragsdale Road), go 4.6 miles to the first of three access points via Ragsdale Rd.  From Hwy 55, go 4.7 miles on Ragsdale Road to access a parking lot, at 6.8 miles from Hwy 55, turn right on Hickerson, and follow to the WMA signs.  Hickerson Rd access - Lat: 35.4937°N Long: -85.9619°W  For access to the south side of Bark Camp Barrens WMA via Asbury Rd, take I-24 exit 114 and travel south on Hwy 41 for approximately 0.7 miles, and turn left on Asbury Road.  Travel a couple of miles and turn left on Warren Rd (look for a white house with a green tin roof on the left), at the sharp left turn, there is a gravel road and a WMA sign by a red barn/shed.  Park at the open barn (100 yards from Warren Rd) for access to the pond and fields. Barn on Warren Rd - Lat: 35.47485°N Long: -85.97550°W

The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, note hunting seasons.   License fees may apply.

TWRA Contact Information: Region 2 Office 615-781-6622, Toll-Free 1-800-624-7406, E-mail the office, TWRA Area Manager: Mark Winland (931) 967-6101

Site Description: Approximately 250 acres of native warm-season grasses are found on the south side of the WMA, behind the red barn.  Mature oak-hickory forests and wetland mitigation of hardwoods are along Hickerson Rd and Ragsdale Rd.

Along Hickerson Rd old and young pine stands are currently present. In total, 2,800 acres comprise Bark Camp Barrens WMA with the majority being in mature hardwood forest.

Henslow's sparrow is a common breeding bird with 25-40 breeding pairs annually. Other grassland birds include DickcisselGrasshopper SparrowBlue GrosbeakNorthern Bobwhite, and Field Sparrow. Prairie WarblersYellow-breasted Chat, and White-eyed Vireos are found in the hardwood mitigation, while Yellow-throated VireoOvenbird, and Kentucky Warbler are commonly found in mature hardwood forests. American KestrelNorthern Flicker, and Red-headed Woodpecker nested in dead pines just south of Hickerson Rd along with the sod farm through 2008, however, most snag trees fell in late 2008 and European Starlings were present in 2009 with a pair of American Kestrels. Most of the snags are gone as of 2012 as are the Red-headed Woodpeckers and Northern Flickers.

Bark Camp Barrens WMA is part of the TN SWAP, Eastern Highland Rim Prairie, and Barrens Conservation Opportunity Area (COA)

Regulations & Season Dates

CWD Carcass Transportation Regulations Apply

Big Game, Small Game, Trapping, and Dog Training are the same as statewide seasons except as noted.

Rabbit - Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025.

Dog training (Rabbit and Quail) - Sept. 1, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025. Dog training for the remainder of the year is open to all other species.

Quail - Closed to hunting.

TN Hunting Season Summary

Hunting Regulations Link
Buy a license link
Interactive Map of Barkley WMA
2023-24 Hunting Guide
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