2025 Spring Turkey Quota Hunts Application Period to Be Held December 18 Through January 8

NASHVILLE --- The application period for the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency 2025 Spring Turkey Quota Hunts will be open from Dec. 18 through Jan. 8, 2025. Applications can be made online at QuotaHunt.GoOutdoorsTennessee.com, via the TWRA mobile app, any TWRA license agent, or TWRA regional offices.
Applications will be accepted until midnight (CST) on Jan. 8. Mailed applications will not be accepted.
The areas available for the hunts are listed on the instruction sheet. Applicants may not apply for a particular quota hunt more than once. There are nine sites that include 78 hunts and three other sites that will have five youth-only hunts. No person may apply more than once. Applicants may choose to apply for one or two drawings.
A computer drawing will be held to determine the successful applications based on the priority drawing system. Permits are not transferable. Youth hunters (ages 6-16 by the date of the hunt) may submit one application for the regular quota hunt and one application for the youth-only quota hunt. Parties may have up to five applicants, including the party leader. Applicants, or the party leader, may select up to 24 choices on their application. Youth spring turkey applicants may select up to five choices.
A permit fee will not be charged to Annual Sportsman, Lifetime Sportsman license holders or seniors with an Annual Senior Sportsman License. For all other license holders, the cost is $12 per drawing selected on the application, plus a vendor fee. When applying at a license agent, hunters must remain at the location while the application is processed. Hunters will receive a receipt with a confirmation number when the application is complete.
The 2025 statewide spring turkey season is April 12-May 25. The statewide Young Sportsman Hunt is April 5-6.
Area Date Quota
Chickasaw State Forest Apr. 12-13 26
Chickasaw State Forest Apr. 15-16 26
Chickasaw State Forest Apr. 18-20 26
Chickasaw State Forest Apr. 22-23 26
Chickasaw State Forest Apr. 25-27 26
Chickasaw State Forest Apr. 29-30 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 2-4 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 6-7 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 9-11 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 13-14 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 16-18 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 20-21 26
Chickasaw State Forest May 23-25 26
Chuck Swan State Forest Apr. 3-5 150
Chuck Swan State Forest Apr. 10-12 150
Chuck Swan State Forest Apr. 17-19 150
Chuck Swan State Forest Apr. 24-26 150
Chuck Swan State Forest May 1-3 150
Happy Hollow Apr. 12-15 50
Happy Hollow May 3-6 50
Natchez Trace North Apr. 12-13 48
Natchez Trace North Apr. 15-16 48
Natchez Trace North Apr. 18-20 48
Natchez Trace North Apr. 22-23 48
Natchez Trace North Apr. 25-27 48
Natchez Trace North Apr. 29-30 48
Natchez Trace North May 2-4 48
Natchez Trace North May 6-7 48
Natchez Trace North May 9-11 48
Natchez Trace North May 13-14 48
Natchez Trace North May 16-18 48
Natchez Trace North May 20-21 48
Natchez Trace North May 23-25 48
Natchez Trace South Apr. 12-13 48
Natchez Trace South Apr. 15-16 48
Natchez Trace South Apr. 18-20 48
Natchez Trace South Apr. 22-23 48
Natchez Trace South Apr. 25-27 48
Natchez Trace South Apr. 29-30 48
Natchez Trace South May 2-4 48
Natchez Trace South May 6-7 48
Natchez Trace South May 9-11 48
Natchez Trace South May 13-14 48
Natchez Trace South May 16-18 48
Natchez Trace South May 20-21 48
Natchez Trace South May 23-25 48
Oak Ridge Apr. 5-6 225
Oak Ridge Apr. 12-13 225
Tumbleweed Apr. 12-13 12
Tumbleweed Apr. 15-16 12
Tumbleweed Apr. 18-20 12
Tumbleweed Apr. 22-23 12
Tumbleweed Apr. 25-27 12
Tumbleweed Apr. 29-30 12
Tumbleweed May 2-4 12
Tumbleweed May 6-7 12
Tumbleweed May 9-11 12
Tumbleweed May 13-14 12
Tumbleweed May 16-18 12
Tumbleweed May 20-21 12
Tumbleweed May 23-25 12
Wolf River Apr. 12-13 25
Wolf River Apr. 15-16 25
Wolf River Apr. 18-20 25
Wolf River Apr. 22-23 25
Wolf River Apr. 25-27 25
Wolf River Apr. 29-30 25
Wolf River May 2-4 25
Wolf River May 6-7 25
Wolf River May 9-11 25
Wolf River May 13-14 25
Wolf River May 16-18 25
Wolf River May 20-21 25
Wolf River May 23-25 25
Yuchi Refuge Mar. 28-30 10
Yuchi Refuge Apr. 4-6 10
Yuchi Refuge Apr. 11-13 10
Yuchi Refuge Apr. 18-20 10
Youth-Only Hunts
Area Date Quota
Tellico West Unit Apr. 5-6 5
Tellico West Unit Apr. 26-27 5
Tellico (McGhee Carson Unit) Apr. 5-6 5
Tellico (McGhee Carson Unit) Apr. 26-27 5
Yuchi Refuge Mar. 22-23 15