March 23, 2023
1:00 pm
Recording Available: https://youtu.be/8Ucx7U34VJM
I. Letter of Necessity
II. Consent Items (Roll Call Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
III. Action Items (First Reading - Roll Call Vote on All)
A. Promotion and Retention Policy 3.300
First reading of revisions to the promotion and retention
policy related to promotion and retention requirements for 3rd and 4th grade students in accordance with State Board
Promotion and Retention Rule 0520-01-03-.16 and T.C.A. § 49-6-3115.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading – Roll Call Vote on All)
A. District and School Operations Rule 0520-01-02-.01,-.09, -.10, and -.13
Final reading of several sections to District and School Operations Rule 0520-01-02 to remove specific references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been changes to this item since first reading.
B. Education of Incarcerated Students: Notifications & Transfer of Records and Calculations of Funds Rule 0520-01-12-.03 and -.05
Final reading of Education of Incarcerated Students Rule 0520-01-12-.03 and -.05 to remove specific references to the Basic
Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
C. School and Student Health Services: School Health Policies Rule 0520-01-13-.01
Final reading of School and Student Health Services Rule 0520-01-13-.01 to remove specific references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
D. Court Ordered Day Treatment Facilities: Calculations of Funds Rule 0520-01-15-.05
Final reading of Court Ordered Day Treatment Facilities Rule 0520-01-15-.05 to remove specific references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
E. Education Savings Account Rules 0520-01-16-.04, -.06, and -.10
Final reading of Education Savings Account Rule 0520-01-16-.04, -.06, and -.10 to remove specific references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
F. Continuous Learning Plans: Purpose of the CLP Rule 0520-01-17-.02
Final reading of Continuous Learning Plans Rule 0520-01-17-.02 to remove specific references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
G. Residential Mental Health Facilities: Definitions, Compliance & Monitoring, and Calculation of Funds Rule 0520-01-20-.02,-.05, and -.06
Final reading of Residential Mental Health Facilities Rule 0520-01-20-.02, -.05, and -.06 to remove specific references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) due to the passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA). There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
H. Fiscal Capacity Formula Approval
First and final reading to approve the fiscal capacity formula following evaluation by the Comptroller of the Treasury in accordance with the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA).
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
I. Textbook/Instructional Materials Waiver Request: Metro-Nashville Public Schools (Math Adoption)
First and final reading of LEA requests for Textbook and Instructional Materials Waivers.
IV. Adjournment
This meeting will be conducted electronically and will include board members participating by electronic means of communication. Information regarding public participation in the meeting can be obtained in the Board Meetings policy here.