May 20, 2022
9:00 am
In-Person: Tennessee Board of Regents 1 Bridgestone Park Nashville TN 37214 Stream: https://youtu.be/I7hPl48Zuo4
I. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Minutes from February 4, 2022 SBE Meeting and April 5,
2022 Special Called SBE WebEx Meeting
C. Licensure Discipline Settlement Approvals
Item to approve settlements on several licensure actions
as recommended by State Board attorneys.
D. 2022 Basic Education Program (BEP) Review Committee
Item to appoint members to the 2022 BEP Review Committee.
II. Report Items
A. SBE Study Committee Report Outs
The Study committee chairs will provide overviews of study committee meeting that occurred since the last quarterly Board meeting.
Testing & Accountability Study Committee - March 24, 2022
CTE & Workforce Development Study Committee - April 26, 2022
Literacy Study Committee - May 10, 2022
Educator Preparation & Licensure Study Committee - May 11, 2022
B. 2021 Blue Ribbon Schools
Recognition of Tennessee’s 2021 Blue Ribbon Schools.
C. National ESEA Distinguished Schools
Recognition of Tennessee’s 2021 National ESEA Distinguished Schools.
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Board Member Policy 1.200
First reading of item to make revisions to the policy in accordance with recent changes to statute.
B. Educator License – Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, & Revocation Rule 0520-02-03-.09
First reading of item to create a new category of offenses that are subject to disciplinary action to include misdemeanor convictions where the victim is a minor and make other technical corrections.
C. Repeal English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
First reading of item to repeal policy 3.207 due to duplicative content with ESL Rule 0520-01-19.
D. Statewide Dual Credit (SDC) Course Approval – Sociology Course Standards
First reading of item to remove approval of SDE Sociology course due to conflicts with law.
E. Statewide Dual Credit (SDC) Approval Courses
First reading of item to approve several proposed new and revised statewide dual credit courses.
American History Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Criminal Justice Speech and Communication
Introductory Statistics Principles of Marketing
Introduction to Agriculture Business Introduction to Education
F. Teaching as a Profession & Foundational Literacy Course Standards
First reading of item to revise the Teaching as a Profession (TAP) courses and add a new course to the TAP program of student focused on foundational literacy skills pursuant to the Tennessee Literacy Success Act.
Introduction to TAP TAP Practicum
TAP I Foundational Literacy Practicum
G. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
First reading of item to update the approved high school courses policy with new and removed courses.
H. Charter School Rule 0520-14-01-.01
First reading of item to clarify definition of “complete application” for the purposes of approval of charter applicants. The changes will apply to applicants seeking to open a charter school in the 2024-25 school year.
I. Academic and Instructional Requirements Rule 0520-01-03-.03 and -.16
First reading of item to revise promotion and retention requirements of 3rd grade students pursuant to Public Chapter 1 of the 2021 First Extraordinary Session. These changes go into effect beginning the 2022-23 school year.
J. Educator Evaluation Policy 5.201
First reading of item to update the approved achievement measures list and charter observation models.
K. Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Rule 0520-02-04-.07
First reading of item to provide a pathway by which the department could bring a status change recommendation to EPP and SAP approvals based on program alignment with EPP Literacy Standards.
L. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
First reading of item to specify the endorsements in which educators will need to submit qualifying scores on an approved literacy assessment or complete approved professional development in foundational literacy skills.
M. Tennessee Academic Standards for Fourth-Year Mathematics Courses
First reading of item to adopt revised standards for fourth-year math courses, developed in accordance with the standards review process laid out in statute.
Statistics Calculus
Pre-calculus Mathematical Reasoning for Decision Making
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Personnel Policy 1.300
Final reading of item to update and clarify the Board’s processes regarding settlement authority. There has been one change to this item since first reading.
B. School Attendance Policy 4.100
Final reading of item to update the policy based on Public Chapter 116 of 2021. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
C. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
Final reading of item to remove a scheduled increase in required cut scores on the edTPA pedagogical assessment and make other clerical revisions. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
D. Civil Rights Compliance Rule 0520-01-21
Final reading of item to promulgate rules on the department’s Office of Civil Rights procedures to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
E. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.05 and -.11
Final reading of item to revise licensure issuance, renewal, and advancement requirements for K-3 teachers pursuant to the Literacy Success Act. Revisions include requiring K-3 teachers to demonstrate knowledge and skills in foundational literacy skills by submitting qualifying scores on an approved literacy assessment or completing approved professional development activities. The changes will apply to candidates beginning in August 2023. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
F. Strategic Compensation Policy 5.600
Final reading of item to add clarification on the timeline by which vacancy data must be submitted to the Department of Education for approval of differentiated pay plans. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
G. Special Education Programs & Services Rule 0520-01-09-.05 and -.15
Final reading of item to clarify evaluation timelines and meeting notification timelines for students with disabilities. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
H. Career Exploration, Awareness, and Advising & Planning Course Standards
Final reading of item of revised course standards for Career Exploration and new course standards in Career Awareness, and Career Advising and Planning. All courses have been created in collaboration with postsecondary faculty, industry representatives, and middle school counselors. These changes will go into effect for the 2022-23 school year. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
I. Textbook/Instructional Materials Waiver Requests: Hawkins County (Virtual School), Houston County (Virtual School), Rutherford County (Adult High School), and Williamson County (Course with No State Adoption)
First and final reading of LEA requests for Textbook and Instructional Materials Waivers.
J. 2021-22 Annual Performance Goals/Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)
First and final reading of 2021-22 Annual Performance Goals/Annual Measurable Objectives.
K. State Minimum Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022-23
First and final reading of item to approve the state minimum salary schedule for the 2022-23 school year.
Letter of Necessity Attachment
L. 2022-23 Special Courses Approvals
First and final reading of item to approve 2022-23 special course recommendations from the Department of Education.
M. High School Policy 2.103
First and final reading of a minor revision based on recent statutory changes and a clarification regarding credit recovery grades for districts that use a locally adopted grading scale.
N. Local School Board Member Training Policy 2.100
First and final reading of a new policy that identifies approved options for school board member training courses.
O. Charter School Governing Body Training Policy 6.112
First and final reading of item to update the list of approved options for charter school governing board member training courses.
V. Teacher License Discipline Actions
A. LaDaina England – 6 Months Suspension with Professional Development
B. Jason Michael James – Voluntary Surrender
C. Jerrica Parrish – Denial
D. Henry Pickle – Formal Reprimand
E. Bobby Pruitte – 3-Month Suspension with Professional Development
F. Lisa Taylor – Formal Reprimand
G. Michael Tolliver – Denial
H. Gary Weber – Voluntary Surrender, Permanent
I. Ashley Wilson – 2-Year Suspension with Proof of Treatment
J. Brock Cobb - Suspension, 2-Years Concurrent with Probation
VI. DHS Licensure Actions
A. Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) Defaults – Automatic Suspension for Caroline Carothers and Samuel Thompson.
VII. Adjournment