October 28, 2021
The University of Memphis UC Senate Chamber 499 University Street Memphis, TN 38152 WebEx Link: https://bit.ly/3oG657V
Full Meeting Presentation
1:00 p.m. Welcome
Chairman Lillian Hartgrove
Dr. Sara Morrison
State Board of Education
1:15 p.m. Dual Enrollment Data Trends
Ms. Victoria Harpool
TN Higher Education Commission
1:45 p.m. Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)
Dr. Sara Morrison
State Board of Education
2:00 p.m. BREAK
2:15 p.m. 2021 TNReady Data
Dr. Lisa Coons
Mr. Jack Powers
State Department of Education
3:00 p.m. Summer Camp Attendance & Outcomes
Dr. Lisa Coons
Mr. Jack Powers
State Department of Education
3:45 p.m. Proposed Licensure Actions
Mr. Todd Madison
State Board of Education
3:55 p.m. Final Discussion and Adjournment