September 14, 2020 Charter Schools Authorizer Evaluation Rulemaking Hearing (0520-14-01-.08)

September 14, 2020


September 14, 2020

10:00 am


Electronic Meeting Information: Password: SBERules Phone Number: 415-655-0003 Access Code: 612 521 945

Click here to attend meeting electronically

Due to prohibitions on in-person gatherings due to COVID-19 this hearing
will be held electronically. The in-person location noted on the rulemaking
notice will NOT be used.


                          Notice of Hearing

                          Registration                               Attendees who wish to give a
                                                                                comment will be asked during the
                                                                                hearing to unmute and notify the
                                                                                Hearing Officer that they wish to give
                                                                                an oral comment.                                                                           

10:00 a.m.      Call to Order                             Angie Sanders, Hearing Officer  
                                                                               General Counsel 
                                                                               State Board of Education

10:05 a.m.      Review of Proposed               Angie Sanders

                          Public Comment                    If signed up to give a public comment, your name will be called.  Please give your name and                                                                                          affiliation.  You will have three (3) minutes to speak.   

10:30 a.m.      Concluding Remarks             Angie Sanders                                                          


NOTE:      Additional written comments may be submitted after the hearing.  To ensure consideration, they must be received by 4:30 p.m.,                      Central Time, September 17, 2020.                              

                  Submit comments to:                      
                        Angie Sanders
                        State Board of Education
                        5th Floor, Davy Crockett Tower
                        500 James Robertson Parkway
                        Nashville, TN  37243

Further information is available on the State Board of Education website: