July 16, 2020 Gaffney Athletic Preparatory Academy (GAPA) Charter School Appeal Hearing

July 16, 2020


July 16, 2020

9:00 am


WebEx Meeting Meeting Access Code: 161 161 5690 Meeting Password: pGPqDGpS463

Meeting Link Click here


9:00 a.m. CT        Call to Order                  Dr. Sara Morrison, Hearing Officer, 
                               Introduction                   Executive Director, State Board
                                                                         of Education

                               Monroe County             Dr. DeAnna McClendon, Director   
                               Schools                            of Schools   
                               (15 min.)                          Ms. Doris Matthews, Monroe County
                                                                          School Board Attorney
                                                                          Ms. Lee Anne Strickland, Executive
                                                                          Director of Federal Programs and

                               Gaffney Athletic             Mr. Paul Gaffney, Founder and Visionary
                               Preparatory                    Mr. Carl Knight, School Leadership and Discipline 
                               Academy                         Dr. Patricia Jones, TEAMS Educator  
                               (15 min.)                          Ms. Courtney Parham, Exceptional Education and CDC
                                                                          Ms. Nicole Prater, Special Education, Human Capital, and Admissions 
                                                                          Ms. Erica Braden, Economics Instructor and Finance

                               State Board                     Dr. Sara Morrison, Hearing Officer, 
                               Questions                        Executive Director, State Board of Education
                               (15 min.)         

                               Public Comments          State Board staff will read comments received by deadline into the record.                                                                               (Up to 30 min.)               

                               Closing                              Monroe County Schools (10 min.)   
                               (20 min.)                           Gaffney Athletic Preparatory Academy (10 min.)


REGISTRATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: I f you wish to make a public comment during the public hearing, you must submit your 
comment prior to the public hearing date. Public comments will be read aloud by a State Board staff member during the public hearing. Each public comment will be read for a maximum of two (2) minutes. You can sign up to comment by completing this online formThe submission for public comment will close at 12:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 or when fifteen (15) individuals have signed up. Only those individuals who have signed up by the deadline shall have their comment read on their behalf by State Board staff during the public hearing.  

NOTE:  In lieu of having a public comment read aloud during the hearing, written comments may be submitted onlineor mailed, emailed, or faxed to: 

            Tennessee State Board of Education  
            Attn: Compass Community Schools - Midtown  
            5th Floor, Davy Crockett Tower 
            500 James Robertson Parkway 
            Nashville, TN  37243   
            FAX: (615) 741-0371  
            Email: CharterSchool.Appeals@tn.gov  

Written comments must be received by the State Board of Education by 4:30 p.m. CDT on Thursday, July 23, 2020 to be considered.  All
comments provided to the State Board of Education will be weighed equally. Further information is available on the State Board's  website:  http://www.tn.gov/sbe/