BEP Review Committee Meeting

December 16, 2020


December 16, 2020

10:00 am


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Comparison of TACIR Models
TACIR Analysis of Possible Data Changes to Fiscal Capacity: IDB for TEP

I. Welcome
Chairman Lillian Hartgrove

II. Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
Nathan James, State Board of Education

III. Statement of Necessity
Nathan James, State Board of Education

IV. Discussion & Vote on TACIR Formula Resolution
Dr. Cliff Lippard, TACIR

V. Discussion of High Growth District Capitol Funding
Nathan James, State Board of Education

VI. Review of SJR 1280 Honoring Sen. Dolores Gresham
Chairman Lillian Hartgrove

VII. Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Chairman Lillian Hartgrove