November 6, 2020
9:00 am
WebEx Meeting
Statement of Necessity
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from July 24, 2020 Meeting,
August 17, 2020 Meeting, September 21, 2020
Meeting, September 30, 2020 SBE Educator
Preparation and Licensure Subcommittee Meeting,
and October 8, 2020 SBE Testing and Accountability
Subcommittee Meeting.
II. Action Items (First Reading – ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Educator Diversity Policy 5.700
First reading item to create a policy required by T.C.A. § 49-1-302. The policy includes parameters for LEAs to
set goals related to educator diversity, LEA strategies to retain and recruit minority educators, and monitoring
requirements for the Department.
B. English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs Rule 0520-01-19
First reading of item to move the majority of components of ESL Policy 3.207 into a newly created ESL Program rule in accordance with Public Chapter 929 of 2018.
C. Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs Rule 0520-12-01-.10
First reading of item to add new child abuse reporting requirements pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-1-1601.
D. Special Education Programs and Services Rule 0520-01-09
First reading of item to provide revisions based on recent statutory changes and to clearly delineate between homebound placement for special education purposes and medical homebound as defined in the Homebound Rule.
E. Homebound Instruction Rule 0520-01-02-.10
First reading of item to provide revisions to clearly delineate between homebound placement for special education purposes and medical homebound as defined in this rule.
F. Administrative Rules – State Special Schools Rule 0520-04-03
First reading of item to revise admission and eligibility requirements for the Tennessee School for the Blind (TSB) and the Tennessee School for the Deaf (TSD) from permissive to mandatory if students meet eligibility requirements.
G. License Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Policy 5.501
First reading of item to revise this policy with recent statutory changes and other procedural updates.
H. School Board Member Training Rule 0520-01-02-.11
First reading of item to update provisions for the training of local school board members.
I. Tennessee Academic Standards for Mathematics
First reading of item to revise the Tennessee Academic Standards for Mathematics in alignment with the standards review cycle established in T.C.A. § 49-1-311 through 314. Revised standards will take effect in the 2023-24 school year, if approved.
J. Charter School Amendment Appeals Rule 0520-14-01-.06
First reading of rule that clarifies the timeline of when a chartering authority must submit to a charter school its grounds for denial of a charter amendment application.
III. Action Items (Final Reading – ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Mission Statement & Vision Policy 1.000
Final reading of item to update the State Board Mission Statement Policy to align with revisions to the five-year strategic goals and Master Plan. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
B. Textbook and Instructional Materials Waiver Permanent Rule 0520-01-18
Final reading of new rule to establish a process for the State Board to review textbook and instructional material waiver requests from LEAs pursuant to Public Chapter 770 of 2020. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
C. Educator Licensure Rules 0520-02-03-.09 and 0520-02-03-.12
Final reading of items to update rules regarding reporting of licensure actions for individuals teaching on permits as well as other recent statutory changes. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
D. Technical Revisions to Tennessee Social Studies Standards
Final reading of technical, non-substantive changes to the state social studies standards. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
E. Board Meetings Policy 1.400
Final reading of revisions to policy to add textbook and instructional materials waiver requests to list of items that may be approved on only one reading. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
F. Career & Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards
Final reading of new and revised standards for several CTE clusters. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
Attachment 1 Attachment 12 Attachment 23
Attachment 2 Attachment 13 Attachment 24
Attachment 3 Attachment 14 Attachment 25
Attachment 4 Attachment 15 Attachment 26
Attachment 5 Attachment 16 Attachment 27
Attachment 6 Attachment 17 Attachment 28
Attachment 7 Attachment 18 Attachment 29
Attachment 8 Attachment 19 Attachment 30
Attachment 9 Attachment 20 Attachment 31
Attachment 10 Attachment 21 Attachment 32
Attachment 11 Attachment 22
G. Career & Technical Education (CTE) Rule 0520-01-07-.01
Final reading of item to revise CTE rule to align requirements to Perkins V legislation and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education in Tennessee Perkins State Plan. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
H. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
Final reading of policy that recommends pedagogical and content assessment requirements for a new Mathematics 6-10 endorsement and proposes revisions to postpone the increase in edTPA cut scores for one year to allow additional time for EPPs to refine practices and support student success. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
I. Charter Schools Rule 0520-14-01
Final reading of rule that clarifies the timeline of when a chartering authority must submit to a charter school sponsor its grounds for a denied or amended application. Only grammatical and technical revisions have been made to this item since first reading.
J. Evaluations Rule 0520-02-01
Final reading of item that revises Evaluation Rule 0520-02-01 to include guidelines and criteria related to educator evaluation that are currently only included in Evaluation Policy 5.201 pursuant to Public Chapter 929. There were slight clerical edits made between first and second reading to ensure consistency in the use of definitions, and to include l language requiring the department to monitor observation scores for misalignment between achievement and observation scores.
K. Public Virtual Schools Rule 050-01-03-.03
Final reading of item that clarifies reporting and monitoring requirements for Public Virtual Schools, and clarifies the conditions under which a public virtual school may increase enrollment over the class size maximum, and clarifies that remote instruction provided pursuant to an approved CLP shall be considered a virtual education program. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
L. School and Student Health Services Rule 0520-01-13
Final reading of item that creates the School and Student Health Services Rule, which will combine requirements related to school and student health into one central rule. There has been one change to this item since first reading.
M. Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) for 2020-21
First and final reading of the AMOs for the 2020-21 school year.
N. Additional Local Education Agency (LEA) COVID-19 Requested Waivers
First and final reading of waivers of state laws and State Board of Education rules and policies requested by LEAs due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
O. Academic Program Requirements Emergency Rule 0520-01-03-.03
First and final reading of item to allow LEAs the flexibility to set the percentage of student grades for which end-of-course exams count as between zero and 25 percent.
P. Continuous Learning Plans (CLP) Remote Instruction Textbook and Instructional Materials Local Education Agency (LEA) Waivers List
First and final reading of item to approve the use of textbooks and instructional materials not on the list approved by the State Board and State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission for periods of remote learning only, during the 2020-21 school year, if contained in LEAs' approved continuous learning plans.
Q. Continuous Learning Plans (CLP) Emergency Rule 0520-01-17-.01
First and final reading of item to ensure that approved CLPs remain in effect through the 2020-21 school year.
R. Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) Restraint and Isolation (Special Education) Policy 6500
First and final reading to add a new charter school LEA policy regarding restraint and isolation procedures. This item only affects State Board-authorized charter schools.
IV. Teacher License Actions (ROLL CALL VOTE ON ALL ITEMS)
A. Serena Cooper – Suspension, 2 years
B. Clinton Cummings – Suspension, 2 years
C. John Demerdjian – Suspension, 3 months
D. Billy Ray Duncan – Restoration
F. Paul Gubala – Formal Reprimand
G. Joseph Gudger – Suspension, 22 months
H. Rowdy Jones – Voluntary Surrender
I. Matt Kilgore – Voluntary Surrender
J. Kristin Roberts – Suspension, 1 year
K. Emma Schou – Suspension, 1 year
L. Angelia Stang – Voluntary Surrender
M. Richard Tyson – Voluntary Surrender
V. Resolutions
A. Resolution by the State Board of Education
First and final reading of a resolution by Mr. Nich Darnell regarding state assessment for the 2020-21 school year.
VI. Adjournment