July 26, 2019
9:00 am
Tennessee Board of Regents Board Room 1 Bridgestone Park Nashville, TN 37214
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from May 31, 2019 Meeting and
July 17, 2019 Charter School Subcommittee Meeting
C. Approval of 2020 Quarterly Meeting Dates
II. Report Items
A. Graduation Requirement Substitutions
An informational item from the Department of Education on
course substitutions approved through the Department and listed in the course code correlations database.
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. English as Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
First reading to revise exit standards for WIDA ACCESS and for English Learner students with disabilities.
B. Bid List of Textbooks and Instructional Materials Under Official Review - Section E (ELA and CTE: Law, Public Safety, Corrections, Security, Government & Public Administration, and Hospitality & Tourism)
First reading to review the bid list for the Section E (ELA and CTE: Law, Public Safety, corrections, Security, Government & Public Administration, Hospitality I Tourism) textbook review.
C. 2019-2020 Special Course Approval
First reading of a list of special course offerings to be approved for one, three, or six years.
D. Alternative Education Programs Policy 2.302
First reading to update the obligation of LEAs to provide placement in an alternative school or program when space and staff are available pursuant to recently passed legislation.
E. High School Policy 2.103
First reading to add requirements for civics test – new law.
F. Standards Review Policy 3.209
First reading to align timing of standards review with new flexibility provided through recently passed legislation.
G. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
First reading to delete section on locally approved grading systems from the policy, pursuant to recently passed legislation.
H. Repeal the Early Childhood Education Plan Policy 3.101
First reading to repeal this policy because it is outdated, has not been revised since 2000, and aspects of this policy are addressed in other rules and policies as well as the Department of Education programmatic requirements.
I. Repeal the Principles of Quality Early Childhood Education Programs Policy 3.102
First reading to repeal this policy because it is outdated, has not been revised since 2000, and aspects of this policy are addressed in other rules and policies as well as the Department of Education programmatic requirements.
J. Repeal the Guidelines for Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance Policy 4.208
First reading to repeal this policy and move the same information into guidance document to be posted on the State Board of Education website because statute required guidelines, not a policy, for the recitation of the pledge.
K. Repeal the Wellness Requirement Substitute Policy 3.202
First reading to repeal this policy because it is already included in the minimum requirements rule.
L. Repeal the Public Records Policy 1.500
First reading to repeal this policy because the public records rule was approved by the State Board of Education in May 2019 and it is moving through promulgation.
M. Repeal the Educational Television Rule 0520-08-01
First reading to repeal this rule due to Public Chapter 248 of 2019 which removed this outdated responsibility from the State Board of Education because we have not been in the business of operating educational television stations.
N. Licensure Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Policy 5.501
First reading to item to update this policy in alignment with changes to licensue rule 0520-02-03-.09.
O. Licensure Reinstatement & License Restoration Applications Policy 5.500
First reading to item to update this policy in alignment with changes to licensure rule 0520-02-03-.09.
P. Charter School Amendments to the Charter Agreements, Rule 0520-14-01-.06
First reading of an item to set forth the timelines and appeal process for charter schools who wish to petition their authorizer for an amendment to their charter agreement.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. 2019-20 State Board of Education Master Plan
First and final reading of the Master Plan of the State Board of Education for the 2019-20 school year. This plan is developed annually based on Board member priorities along with input from the staff.
B. Tennessee School Bus Specifications Policy 2.400
Final reading to align current industry standards to increase the safety of school bus drivers and students by adding bus specifications for vehicles built after July 1, 2019 in accordance with the National School Transportation and Procedures manual adopted by the 16th National Congress on School Transportation. Last updated 2012. TCA § 49-6-2102. There have not been any changes since first reading.
C. Category II Non-Public School Accrediting Agencies, Rule 0520-07-02-.03
Final reading to approve category II applicants. There have not been any changes since first reading.
D. Individualized Education Accounts, Rule 0520-01-11
Final reading to clean up edits to make the rules consistent with state law. Makes clarifications to the definitions and processes in regards to account holder agreement, criminal background checks, student eligibility, and approved use of funds. There have been changes since first reading.
E. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
Final reading to make clarification to the participation of EPPS in a review and other changes and clarifications needed from the recently approved emergency rule. There have not been any changes since first reading.
F. Middle Grades Policy 2.102
Final reading to clarify that students taking high school courses in middle school shall be awarded high school credit. There have not been any changes since first reading.
G. Charter School Revocation & Revocation Appeals Policy 6.110
Final reading to reflect changes passed in the 111th General Assembly. There have not been any changes since first reading.
H. Charter School Intervention Policy 6.700
Final reading to reflect changes passed in the 111th General Assembly. There have not been any changes since first reading.
I. Charter School Renewal & Renewal Appeals Policy 6.800
Final reading to clarify the appeal process and reflect recent updates to State Board policy 2.500 and changes passed in the 111th General Assembly. There have not been any changes since first reading.
J. Charter School Appeals, Rule 0520-14-01-.02
Fiial reading of of an item to set forth the process for submitting an appeal of the denial of a charter school application by the lcoal board of education to the State Board. There have been changes since first reading.
K. Educator Licensure Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation, Rule 0520-02-03-.09
Final reading to incorporate educator licensure rule with updated and aligned requirements for all pathways. There have been changes since firt reading in February 2019.
L. 2019-2020 Basic Education Program (BEP) Allocations
First and final reading of the allocations to the Basic Education Program for fiscal year 2020.
Letter of Necessity
M. Course Access Program, Rule 0520-01-14
First and final reading to update this rule to align with 2019 legislation to require LEAs fund two courses per year for any student participating in a course access course.
N. Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) Policies
First and final reading of updates to the policies that govern Board-authorized charter schools.
Policy 3201 School Safety Policy 4400 Instructional Materials
Policy 3202 Emergency Preparedness Policy 4603 Promotion & Retention, Grading, & Assessment
Policy 3400 Transportation
O. Educator Preparation Providers and Specialty Area Program Approvals
First and final reading of recommendations for continued approval of two educator preparation providers and initial approval of one educator preparation provider.
Aquinas College Rutherford County Schools Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Tennessee Technological University
V. DHS Defaults
A. Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) Defaults
Educator licenses subject to action as per DHS information.
A. Jaime Byram - Revocation, Automatic
B. Christopher Comer - Voluntary Surrender**
C. Erin Laming - Suspension, 1 Year
D. Bragg Lampkin - Revocation, Automatic, Permanent
E. Larry Nidiffer - Suspension, 6 Months
F. Charles Patterson - Suspension, 2 Years
G. Michael Pesce - Voluntary Surrender**
H. Richard Pitcock - Revocation, Automatic*
I. Alice Polonsky - Suspension, 3 Months
J. Zheng Tu - Voluntary Surrender*
K. Brad Weir - Revocation, Automatic, Permanent
* Items H and J are subject to the Board Rule filed on January 25, 2016, and expired on September 4, 2017.
** Item B and G is subject to the Emergency Board Rule filed on September 5, 2017, and expired on March 4, 2018.
VII. Adjournment