July 26, 2018
1:00 pm
425 5th Ave N Cordell Hull Building House Hearing Room I Nashville, TN
I. Welcome
A. Board Chairs' Updates
Ms. Lillian Hartgrove, Chairman, State Board of Education
Mr. Evan Cope, Chairman, Tennessee Higher Education
B. Executive Directors' Updates
Dr. Sara Morrison, Executive Director, State Board of Education
Mr. Mike Krause, Executive Director, Tennessee Higher
Education Commission
II. Teacher Preparation Update
A. Information Regarding Interest from the General Assembly
Mr. Mike Krause
B. Overview of Teacher Preparation Report Card & Annual Reports
Dr. Sara Morrison
Dr. Candice McQueen, Commissioner, Department of Education
C. Campus Perspective on Teacher Preparation Report
Dr. Keith Carver, Chancellor, University of Tennessee at Martin
III. Support for Tennessee's 3rd Grade Reading Goal
Joint Resolution to Renew Committment to Third Grade Reading Proficiency
Mr. Mike Krause
Dr. Sara Morrison
IV. Tennessee Dual Enrollent Study
Dr. Emily House, Tennessee Higher Education Commission
V. Tennessee Pathways
Mr. Zachary Adams, Department of Education
VI. Adjournment