Community Rehabilitation Providers

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Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) provides employment services to program participants through its network of Community Rehabilitation Providers. The following information is for CRPs interested in working with VR or currently providing services to program participants. Below you will find descriptions of services offered by Community Rehabilitation Providers, minimum provider service delivery expectations, typical service rates, reports required during service delivery to track the participant’s progress, helpful reference materials, and the qualification preferences of VR. The registered Community Rehabilitation Provider listing and guidebook can also be found on this webpage.

Fill Out a Referral

If you would like to submit a referral for VR services (which help individuals with disabilities get, keep, or advance in a job) for either yourself or someone else, please click the link below.

The below list contains the services and counties in which Community Rehabilitation Providers are registered. 

CRP List 2.10.25

Guide to using CRP map listing

stack of books cutout

The CRP Service Manual outlines the vocational rehabilitation services provided by Community Rehabilitation Providers and imparts pertinent information regarding partnering with the State of Tennessee to provide such services.

CRP Service Manual

East Tennessee                     

Elonzo Reyes, Program Specialist
(423) 634-6703   

Middle Tennessee       

Cindy Murdock, Program Specialist
(931) 380-5219   

West Tennessee

Dan Eason, Program Specialist
(731) 426-6129

Provider Relations Team Program Supervisor     

Virginia Talley
(615) 313-5246

Program Reports

The following are program reports required for each service. These reports are submitted to the Rehabilitation Counselor prior to or at the time of service completion.

1.1.    Doing Business with the State of Tennessee -

1.2.    CRP Onboarding Process - Questionnaire -

1.5.   Instructions for CRPs to Add and/or Delete Services or Counties -

1.8.   Federal and State Regulations - 

§  Code of Federal Regulations Title 34, Subtitle B, Chapter III, Part 361-State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program Section 361.1 to Section 361.89 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

§  Code of Federal Regulation Title 34, Part 363-The State Supported Employment Services Program Section 363.1 to Section 363.56 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)

1.8.1. Employee Background Checks - 2019 Tennessee Laws Public Chapter 71 and Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs.1240-08- 03-.05 Background Checks for Vocational Rehabilitation Employees, Contractors, and Interns

1.8.2. Confidentiality -

1.9. Code of Ethics -

1.12. Person Centered Practices -

2.8. Customized Employment - (34 CFR §361.5)

2.9.1. SE: IPS Career Development and Placement:

The CRP may update the employment plan as needed, after full consultation with all parties. The CRP utilizes the IPS Job Development model and principles as recommended by the IPS fidelity standards as defined at at


6.1 Supported Employment Training Certification: A Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP) certification as awarded by Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE),

A Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) certification.

Completion of Association of Certified Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) training program,

6.2 Customized Employment Training Certification:

Acceptable sources of Customized Employment certification training include:

Basic Employment Certificate available through Griffin-Hammis,

WorkWorks Employment Services available through the University of Georgia,

In-person training provided through Marc Gold & Associates sponsored by Employment First (ECF) CHOICES.

In-person training provided through Marc Gold & Associates sponsored by the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD).


The IPS Practitioner Skills coursework through the IPS Learning Center, Rockville Institute (Westat) or

IPS Certification (CIPS),

6.5 CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: The University of Tennessee, Center for Literacy, Education & Employment (UT CLEE) provides professional development services for Community Rehabilitation Providers that promote competency-based learning in the delivery of competitive integrated employment services. UT CLEE offers an Employment Certificate Program to develop advanced skills in a variety of employment service areas.

Continuing Education training sessions that focus on a broad range of disability and employment topics are offered monthly. Contact a member of the UT CLEE team to get the dates for upcoming training and to be added to their email distribution list.

Stephanie Connell Cowherd;

Catherine Orem;

Tashara Talbert;

Paula Jones;

Teresa H. Smith;

Tammy LaPoint;


NOTE: Occasionally links are broken due to changes in web sites. If a link is broken, please report the break to appropriate Program Specialists.

East Tennessee:
Program Specialist: Elonzo Reyes | | (423) 634-6703

Middle Tennessee:
Program Specialist: Cindy Murdock | | (931) 380-5219

West Tennessee:
Program specialist: Dan Eason | | (731) 426-6129