Notification of Hazardous Waste Activity

Requirements Include

Generators, Transporters, Transfer Facilities and Treatment-Storage-Disposal (TSD) Facilities.

Existing sites must report any change in facility data as the change occurs. Reporting changes include but are not limited to: changes in name, owner, contact person, mailing address, location, waste stream information, generation changes, etc.

  • Fees: $150.00 for change in ownership and change in location. No charge for other changes.

New sites can receive Notification Packet by calling the main number or you may download the Notification Forms, fill out and send them to the address located on the forms.

  • Fees: New Installation ID Number: $150.00

You must determine if you are now or going to be generating a hazardous waste at your site. EPA has developed a specific list of wastes that are hazardous. If you generate a waste and mix it with a hazardous waste, then you are generating a hazardous waste. If you generate a waste that exhibits any of the characteristics of hazardous waste (certain wastes are hazardous because of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity etc), then you are generating a hazardous waste.

New generators must submit the registration packet within 90 days of the initial generation. The packet includes detailed questions about the types of wastes generated, amounts, descriptions, etc.

If you generate more than 100 kg (220 pounds) of hazardous waste or more than 1kg (2.2 pounds) of acutely hazardous waste in any calendar month, you must notify the State of Tennessee. If you treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste you must also report.

Annual Reporting requirements for generators of hazardous waste:

Generators are divided into three categories based on their annual handling of hazardous wastes.

Categories based on annual handling of hazardous wastes
1 Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs) Should report annually but are not required to do so and do not pay an annual fee. 
2 Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) Must report annually and pay annual fees.
3 Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) Must report annually and pay annual fees.
Annual Generator Base Fees
>100 kg/220 lbs of non-acute hazardous waste and ≤1 kg/2.2 lbs acute hazardous waste generated in any calendar month for the report year   $1,200.00
>1,000 kg/2,200 lbs of non-acute hazardous waste or >1kg/2.2 lbs acute hazardous waste generated in any calendar month for the report year  $2,000.00

There are additional off-site shipping fees assessed for hazardous waste generators that are required to pay the base fee. Treatment, Storage and Disposal sites pay fees that are essentially permit specific. Please contact your assigned permit writer if you have any questions about those fees.  


New transporters of hazardous waste who wish to operate within the state of Tennessee must complete forms that are very much like the forms required for registering a site. New In State Transporters will receive an Installation Identification Number from Tennessee upon the completion of the notification packet. Transporters will be issued a permit to transport hazardous waste after the notification packet is processed.

Tennessee Transporter Fees
New ID number:  $150.00
Application Fee: $200.00
Annual Registration Fee:  $350.00
Total  $700.00

Renewal Fee

  • Each subsequent year, the fee is $350.00 only.
  • Permits automatically expire on January 31st in any year unless renewed.
  • You will automatically receive a new annual registration packet each year prior to December first.
  • The completed packet and fee must be received on or before December 31st.

Transporters residing in a state other than Tennessee must also register and complete an abbreviated application form. Out of State transporters will be checked against the National EPA database. Note: If you have made any changes in your location, your mailing address, your contact persons, etc., and have not notified your home state of these changes, your permit process in the State of Tennessee may be delayed until all data can be verified.

Out of State Transporter Fees
Annual Permit Fee: $350.00
Application Fee: $200.00
Total  $550.00

Renewal Fee

  • Each subsequent year, the fee is $350.00 only.
  • Permits automatically expire on January 31st in any year unless renewed.
  • You will automatically receive a new annual registration packet each year prior to December first.
  • The completed packet and fee must be received on or before December 31st.

New hazardous waste transfer facilities who wish to operate within the state of Tennessee must complete forms that are very much like the forms required for registering a site. New Hazardous Waste Transfer Facilities will receive an Installation Identification Number from Tennessee upon the completion of the notification form and the payment of fees. Annual Report Fees are due at the time of registration and annually thereafter.

Transfer Facilities: Annual Registration Fees
New ID Number: $150.00
Annual Report Fee: $850.00
Total  $1,000.00

Whom do I contact for assistance?

Call 615-532-0780 and ask for Waste Audit. Alternatively, you may email or fax your request to 615-532-0938.

Waste Activity Audit

This Page Last Updated: October 31, 2024 at 9:32 AM