October 28, 2022
9:00 am
Roane State Community College 276 Patton Lane Harriman, TN 37748 URL: https://bit.ly/3CLNHQr
I. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Minutes from July 22, 2022 SBE Meeting and August
11, 2022 SBE Meeting
C. Licensure Discipline Settlement Approvals
An item to approve settlements on several licensure
actions as recommended by State Board attorneys.
II. Report Items
A. TSBA Fall Meetings Report
An update regarding experiences from board member engagement in regional meetings hosted by the Tennessee School Board’s Association.
B. Chester County Day in the District Report
An update regarding engagement with Chester County Schools representatives on September 13, 2022.
C. Tipton County Day in the District Report
An update regarding engagement with Tipton County Schools representatives on October 5, 2022.
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Computer Science Standards Framework for Grades K-12
First reading of an item to propose new Computer Science standards for grades K-12 pursuant to Public Chapter 979 of the 2022 legislative session.
B. Career and Technical Education- Coordination & Supervision of Student Work-Based Learning Experience Rule 0520-01-07-.04 First reading of an item update the Career and Technical Education rule to align credit requirements for work-based learning courses with Public Chapter 946 of the 2022 legislative session.
C. High School Policy 2.103
First reading of an item to revise multiple sections of the High School Policy. Revisions include updates to graduation requirements to align with the Graduation Requirements Rule, students’ high school plan of study, and work-based learning credit requirements.
D. Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs – Health & Safety Rule 0520-12-01-.10 First reading of an item to align requirements for child abuse coordinators with Public Chapter 781 which clarified notifying the Department of Children Services of child abuse.
E. District and School Operations -Assessment Materials Review Rule 0520-01-02-.32
First reading of an item to create a new Assessment Materials Review rule pursuant to Public Chapter 1036 of the 2022 legislative session. This rule outlines the requirements for a member of the Tennessee General Assembly to request and review testing materials from LEAs and the Department.
F. Literacy and Specialty Area Standards for Educator Preparation Policy 5.505
First reading of an item to update the literacy standards for educator and instructional leader preparation programs to include effective criteria for instructing students with characteristics of dyslexia.
G. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.03 through -.05
First reading of an item to create additional flexibility related to obtaining and maintaining an educator license, to align with Public Chapter 1141 of the 2022 legislative session by creating a new pathway to the Practitioner Occupational License, and to improve clarity and address omissions throughout.
H. Middle Grades Policy 2.102
First reading of an item to further develop the High School and Beyond Plan based on stakeholder feedback and to articulate ways in which districts can partner with industry leaders.
I. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
First reading of an item to modify assessment requirements for educators completing preparation programs with a job- embedded clinical practice and to improve clarity and address omissions throughout.
J. Board Meetings Policy 1.400
First reading of an item to improve clarity around agenda adoption and development, distribution of materials, reading requirements, and Rulemaking hearings.
K. Category II and III Private School Accrediting Agencies Policy 3.500
First reading of an item to create a new policy setting forth the list of agencies approved by the State Board to accredit Category II and III private schools in Tennessee.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Non-Public Schools Administrative Rule 0520-07-01
Final reading of an item to remove outdated language, provide greater clarity regarding the maintenance of student records and transfers of students, and to specify reporting and monitoring requirements applicable to non-public schools. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
B. Non-Public Schools Approval Process Rule 0520-07-02
Final reading of an item to remove outdated language, ensure consistency with current state and federal laws and rules, and to provide greater clarity regarding the specific requirements applicable to each category of non-public schools. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
C. Special Courses Policy 3.201
Final reading of an item to specify the process for a charter school to request approval of a special course. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
D. Uniform Grading System Rule 0520-01-03-.02
Final reading of an item to align this rule with Public Chapter 1080 of the 2022 legislative session. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
E. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.02 and -.10 through -.15
Final reading of an item to make various revisions to the Educator Licensure Rule in response to recent statutory changes, including Public Chapter 692, Public Chapter 932, and Public Chapter 1093 of the 2022 legislative session. Revisions include creating a Limited License pathway, adding flexibilities for issuance of permits and endorsement exemptions, and expanding the type of qualifying experience for individuals applying for an instructional leader license through an out-of- state pathway. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
F. Evaluations - General Requirements for Evaluations Rule 0520-02-01-.02
Final reading of an item to align the Educator Evaluation Rule with recent statutory changes, including Public Chapter 991 and Public Chapter 1096 of the 2022 legislative session. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
G. Graduation Requirements Rule 0520-01-03-.06
Final reading of an item to add requirements for an Industry 4.0 diploma distinction pursuant to Public Chapter 946 of the 2022 legislative session. Revisions also include adding computer science as a graduation requirement starting with 9th grade students in the 2024-25 school year pursuant to Public Chapter 979 of 2022. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
H. Individualized Education Accounts (IEA) Rule 0520-01-11-.02, -.04, -.06, and -.08
Final reading of an item to add “specific learning disability” as an eligible disability category for the IEA program pursuant to Public Chapter 1019 of the 2022 legislative session. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
I. Course Access Program Rule 0520-01-14-.02 through -.06
Final reading of an item to align the Course Access Program Rule with recent statutory changes from Public Chapter 929 of the 2022 legislative session. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
J. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses and Standards
Final reading of an item to revise course standards for several CTE career clusters. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
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K. Interscholastic Athletics Rule 0520-01-23
Final reading of an item to create an Interscholastic Athletics rule pursuant to Public Chapter 909 of the 2022 legislative session. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
L. Tennessee Academic Standards for Science
Final reading of an item to approve revisions to K-12 Science Standards, as recommended by the Science Standards Recommendation Committee. There have been no changes to this item since first reading.
Executive Summary
M. Dyslexia Individualized Learning Plans Rule 0520-01-22
Final reading of an item to create a new rule to outline requirements for LEAs to develop dyslexia individualized learning plans for students identified with characteristics of dyslexia. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
N. English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs Rule 0520-01-19
Final reading of an item to revise the English as a Second Language rule to align with the proposed rules for the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) Act. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
O. Special Education Programs and Services Rule 0520-01-09-.10 and -.11
Final reading of an item to revise the funding requirements in the Special Education Programs and Services rule to remove references to the Basic Education Program (BEP) following passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) Act. There have been minor changes to this item since first reading.
P. Charter Schools – Allocation of State & Local Funds Rule 0520-14-01-.03
Final reading of an item to revise the allocation of state and local funds for charter schools in response to passage of the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) Act. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
Q. State Approved Textbooks: Section B (Mathematics)
Final reading of an item to approve recommendations of mathematics materials for adoption from the Tennessee Instructional Materials and Quality Commission. There have been changes to this item since first reading.
R. State Identified 2021-22 Reward Schools
First and final reading of schools identified for 2021-22 reward designation.
S. State Identified 2021-22 Priority Schools
First and final reading of schools identified for 2021-22 priority designation.
T. State Identified 2021-22 Exemplary Districts
First and final reading of districts identified for 2021-22 exemplary designation.
U. State Identified 2021-22 In Need of Improvement Districts
First and final reading of districts identified for 2021-22 in need of improvement designation.
V. State Board of Education 2022-25 Master Plan
First and final reading of the 2022-2025 State Board of Education Master Plan.
V. Automatic Teacher License Actions
A. Automatic Teacher License Actions – Revocation & Permanent Revocation
VI. Teacher License Discipline Actions
B. Robert Bennett – Suspension, Three (3) Months with Professional Development
C. Matthew Eric Blevins – Suspension, Six (6) Months with Professional Development
D. Harry S. Dillon – Suspension, Three (3) Months Retroactive
E. Joseph Ellison – Voluntary Surrender
G. David Helton – Suspension, Three (3) Months Retroactive with Professional Development
H. Tony Jaycee Henson – Formal Reprimand with Professional Development
J. Marion J. Martin – Formal Reprimand with Professional Development
K. Brian Patrick Mason – Denial
L. Daniel Middlebrooks – Formal Reprimand
N. Edwin Nienaber – Suspension, Three (3) Months with Professional Development
P. Vicky Lynn Potter – Suspension, Two (2) Years with Professional Development
Q. Chanece LsSharon Ross – Denial
R. Jaime-Lyn Schmidt – Suspension, Three (3) Months Retroactive with Professional Development
S. Calvin Stewart – Suspension, Six (6) Months
T. Warren Sullivan – Suspension, Three (3) Months Retroactive with Professional Development
U. Jennifer A. Weir – Suspension, One (1) Year Retroactive
V. Ashlynn White – Suspension, Six (6) Months
VII. Adjournment