September 18, 2019
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Conference Line: 605-472-5592 Access Code: 290578
II. Consent Items
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Amendments to the SBE Charter School Agreements
Consent reading item to amend agreements with State Board
authorized charter schools to include most recent versions of
the SBE charter school performance framework and
intervention policy.
Bluff City KIPP Elementary KIPP Middle
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Education Savings Account (ESA) Rule 0520-01-16
First reading of new rule 0520-01-16 to outline requirements and processes for applicants, participating schools, providers, and use of funds for the Education Savings Account Program.
B. Occupational Educator Scholarship Program Rule 0520-02-05
First reading of new rule 0520-02-05 to establish the requirements and processes of the occupational educator scholarship program for prospective educators seeking an occupational teaching license.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Amendments to the Charter Agreement and Appeals Process Rule 0520-14-01-.06
Final reading of rule 0520-14-01-.06 to establish an appeals process for charter schools seeking to appeal a denial of a charter amendment petition by their authorizer.
B. Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
First and final reading of policy 5.201 to add to the list of alternate observation models for charter schools and clarify the role of the Department in the achievement measurement selection process.
C. Tennessee Schools Bus Specifications Policy 2.400
First and final reading of policy 2.400 to make a correction to change the body build date to January 1, 2020 and to add back inadvertently deleted language requiring an alert system.
D. Annual Performance Goals for 2019-20 School and District Accountability
First and final reading to set 2019-20 district and school accountability targets in accordance with the state Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MEETING.
Absenteeism Targets District Grad Targets School
Absenteeism Targets School Ready Grad Targets School
ELPA Targets District Success Rate Targets District
ELPA Targets School AM Success rate Targets School
Grad Targets District
E. State Identified Exemplary Districts
First and final reading of the state’s 2019 districts identified as exemplary.
F. State Identified In Need of Improvement Districts
First and final reading of the state’s 2019 districts identified as in need of improvement.
G. State Identified Priority Schools
First and final reading of the state’s 2019 priority schools.
H. State Identified Reward Schools
First and final reading of the state’s 2019 reward schools.
V. Adjournment