Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Regulations
Asbestos Rules and Regulations
Tennessee Rule Chapter 1200-01-20 Asbestos Accreditation Requirements became effective June 23, 2009, for training providers, training courses, firms and asbestos professionals in Tennessee.
Lead-Based Paint Rules and Regulations
Click here to access the amended state lead-based paint Rule on the Tennessee Secretary of State’s website.
Rule Chapter 0400-13-01 Lead-Based Paint Abatement implements Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) Section 68-131-401 et seq., Part 4-Tennessee Lead-Based Paint Abatement Certification Act of 1997. It is effective June 5, 2024 and replaces and amends Rule Chapter 1200-01-18.The State of Tennessee Lead Hazard Program became an EPA authorized program on January 17, 2001.
The Rule outlines procedures and requirements for accrediting training programs, certifying professionals, and establishing work practice standards for conducting lead-based paint abatement activities. The purpose is to ensure that individuals are properly trained and certified to conduct lead-based paint (LBP) activities in target housing and child-occupied facilities. Training programs are accredited to ensure that training curriculums adhere to specific requirements for each LBP discipline. The amended rule removes annual renewal of certification fees for firms and individuals and requires each to obtain a three-year certification. The amended rule allows training programs to offer online refresher training courses, if appropriately accredited and with limitations. It lowers the concentrations of dust-lead hazards and clearance levels, which are both congruent with current federal standards. It also establishes new fees for certification of individuals and firms, lead hazard reduction project notifications, accreditation of training programs. Penalties for non-compliance are also described.
A 5-day Notification to the State (see the Notification of Lead-Based Paint Activity) is required prior to the commencement of risk assessments, inspections, clearances, and abatement projects.
In addition, Tennessee's Lead-Based Paint Abatement Rule requires the distribution of Pre-Renovation Education prior to renovations in target housing and child-occupied facilities. The 'Renovate Right' brochure is the current document used to fulfill Pre-Renovation Education requirements (Spanish version also available).
For additional information about the Commissioner’s Exam or about how to become a certified LBP firm or professional in Tennessee, call toll free: 1-888-771-LEAD.
NOTICE! A Tennessee contractor's license is required BEFORE bidding or offering a price! Reciprocal agreements do NOT allow using another state's license. (Note: Must bid/contract in exact name as licensed!)
Related Information
Lead-Based Paint Abatement Rule Change
The Division of Solid Waste Management’s Rule Chapter 0400-13-01-Lead-Based Paint Abatement is effective June 5, 2024. It replaces and amends Rule Chapter 1200-01-18, which was effective September 26, 2000. Rule Chapter 0400-13-01-Lead-Based Paint Abatement implements Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) Section 68-131-401 et seq., Part 4-Tennessee Lead-Based Paint Abatement Certification Act of 1997. The State of Tennessee Lead Hazard Program became an EPA authorized program on January 17, 2001.
The pending changes and additional rulemaking package information are accessible on the Tennessee Secretary of State’s website:
This Page Last Updated: June 28, 2024 at 6:51 PM