Lead Certification
1. Apply for certification through the electronic portal:
2. Continue reading below for details about how to apply for certification and register to take the certification examination.
Effective June 5, 2024, individuals engaged in lead-based paint (LBP) activities in "target housing" and "child-occupied facilities" in the State of Tennessee must be certified by the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The Lead-Based Paint Abatement Program is a part of the Division of Solid Waste Management.
Individuals seeking certification to conduct lead abatement activities in the State of Tennessee must first meet the qualifications required for each individual discipline (worker, supervisor, inspector, risk assessor, and project designer) as described in the State of Tennessee Lead-Based Paint Abatement Rule 0400-13-01.
If qualified for the discipline of interest, the individual is required to obtain the appropriate LBP training course certificate from an Accredited Asbestos and Certified Lead-Based Paint Professional in TN.
To obtain State of Tennessee lead-based paint certification in an applied for discipline(s), individuals must pass the State of Tennessee Commissioner's (third-party) certification examination. This exam is administered by the LBP Program and must be passed within six (6) months following the completion of the appropriate LBP training course previously discussed.
The LBP exam is administered on-line; once your application is approved you will receive an access link from the examiner with instructions. An individual may request to take an on-site exam at our Nashville Central Office location at 500 James Robertson Parkway, 7th Floor. For assistance, contact Robbyn.Smith@tn.gov to schedule your date and time. In preparation for the exam, you may refer to the Certification Examination Training and Study Guide.
Schedule to take the Third-Party Lead Examination
To take the Lead-Based Paint third-party exam, please use the Lead-Based Paint Online Electronic Submission System to submit an individual application and payment. If you have questions, contact the LBP Program by phone at (888) 771-5323, or Robbyn Smith at (615) 532-6877.
After obtaining the LBP course certificate and upon completing and passing the 3rd party exam, you must apply for State of Tennessee LBP certification.
To obtain individual LBP certification, please download the Application to Conduct Lead-based Paint Activities - Individual (CN-1297).
To obtain firm LBP certification, please download the Application to Conduct Lead-based Paint Activities - Firm (CN-1298).
If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.
Certifications Contact |
Jackie Manuel 615-532-9291 Jackie.Manuel@tn.gov |
Related Information
Lead-Based Paint Abatement Rule Change
*****Effective June 5, 2024*****
Chapter 0400-13-01 Lead-based Paint Abatement
repeals Chapter 1200-01-18 Lead-based Paint Abatement, updates the existing
language, and transfers it to 0400-13-01.
The major changes made by Rule Chapter 0400-13-01
Lead-based Paint Abatement rules are:
(a) Replaces the annual certification renewals for individuals and firms with a three-year certification period.
(b) Allows for training programs to offer online refresher training courses, if appropriately accredited.
(c) Lowers the level at which residential lead contaminated dust must be identified as a hazard, as required to comply with current federal requirements.
(d) Lowers the level of lead dust clearance levels to comply with current federal requirements.
(e) Contains a more thorough listing of reasons for non-compliance and disciplinary action.
(f) Sets out notification requirements for lead-based paint activities training courses.
(g) Creates a requirement that a training program notify the commissioner of changes, such as designating a new training manager.
(h) Sets the written requirements for the Occupant Protection Plan.
(i) Increases existing fees and implements new lead-hazard reduction project notification fees; and
(j) Cleans up existing language that defines pre-1978 structures
This Page Last Updated: February 3, 2025 at 9:49 AM