Division of Archaeology Publications
As an initiative under State Archaeologist Phil Hodge, reports hosted on this page have been redacted of sensitive information including images of Native American skeletal remains. These documents may still contain other potentially sensitive information, including drawings and detailed descriptions of prehistoric and historic burials. Unredacted copies of these report remain on file at the Tennessee Division of Archaeology in Nashville. Requests to view the original versions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the State Archaeologist.
Research Series
No. 1. Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. 1980.
Archaeological Investigations at Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Area: 1974, 1975, and 1978 Field Seasons.
No. 2. Smith, Samuel D. 1976.
An Archaeological and Historical Assessment of the First Hermitage.
No. 3. Smith, Samuel D. and Stephen T. Rogers. 1979.
A Survey of Historic Pottery Making in Tennessee.
No. 4. Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. 1980.
Archaeological Investigations at Ft. Pillow State Historic Area: 1976-78.
No. 5. Benthall, Joseph L. 1980.
The Meeks Site Excavation Montgomery County Tennessee.
No. 6. Smith, Samuel D. 1980.
Historical Background and Archaeological Testing of the Davy Crockett Birthplace State Historic Area, Greene County, Tennessee.
No. 7. Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. 1986.
Pinson Mounds: A Middle Woodland Ceremonial Center.
No. 8. Smith, Samuel D., Charles P. Stripling, and James M. Brannon. 1988.
A Cultural Resource Survey of Tennessee's Western Highland Rim Iron Industry, 1790s - 1930s.
No. 9. Smith, Samuel D. 1993.
Fort Southwest Point Archaeological Site, Kingston, Tennessee: A Multidisciplinary Interpretation.
No. 10. Mainfort, Robert C., Jr. 1994.
Archaeological Investigations in the Obion River Drainage: the West Tennessee Tributaries Project.
No. 11. Moore, Michael C. and Emanuel Breitburg. 1998.
Gordontown: Salvage Archaeology at a Mississippian Town in Davidson County, Tennessee.
No. 12. Smith, Samuel D. and Benjamin C. Nance. 2000.
An Archaeological Interpretation of the Site of Fort Blount, a 1790s Territorial Militia and Federal Military Post, Jackson County, Tennessee.
No. 13. Moore, Michael C. and Kevin E. Smith. 2001.
Archaeological Excavations at the Rutherford-Kizer Site: A Mississippian Mound Center in Sumner County, Tennessee.
Revised electronic edition edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf and Mike C. Moore. 2016.
No. 14. Smith, Samuel D. and Benjamin C. Nance. 2003.
A Survey of Civil War Era Military Sites in Tennessee.
No. 15. Moore, Michael C. 2005.
The Brentwood Library Site: A Mississippian Town on the Little Harpeth River, Williamson County, Tennessee.
No. 16. Moore, Michael C. and Kevin E. Smith. 2009.
Archaeological Expeditions of the Peabody Museum in Middle Tennessee, 1877-1884.
No. 17. Kuttruff, Carl. 2010.
Fort Loudoun in Tennessee, 1756-1760: History, Archaeology, Replication, Exhibits, and Interpretation.
No. 18. Smith, Samuel D. and Stephen T. Rogers. 2011.
Tennessee Potteries, Pots, and Potters-1790s to 1950: Volumes 1 and 2.
No. 19. Deter-Wolf, Aaron. 2013.
Fernvale (40WM51): A Late Archaic Occupation along the South Harpeth River in Williamson County, Tennessee.
Report of Investigations
No. 1. Benthall, Joseph L. 1986.
Archaeological Testing of Site 40DK36 DeKalb County, Tennessee.
No. 2. Spears, W. Steven, Thomas H. Bianchi, Abigayle Robbins, and Mary Beth D. Trubitt. 1986.
The State Route 1 Project: Test Excavations at Woodbury, Tennessee.
No. 3. Froeschauer, John D., Peggy S. Froeschauer, and Charles P. Stripling. 1986.
Archaeological Survey of State-Owned Lands conducted by Tennessee Division of Archaeology 1982-1984.
No. 4. Cridlebaugh, Patricia A. 1986.
Penitentiary Branch: A Late Archaic Cumberland River Shell Midden in Middle Tennessee.
Second edition, edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf, 2017
No. 5. Benthall, Joseph L. 1987.
The Moss-Wright Park Archaeological Project: Excavation of Site 40SU20, Goodlettsville, Tennessee.
No. 6. Smith, Samuel D. and Stephen T. Rogers. 1989.
Historical Information Concerning the Fort Blount-Williamsburg Site, Jackson County, Tennessee.
No. 7. Smith, Samuel D., Fred M. Prouty, and Benjamin C. Nance. 1990.
A Survey of Civil War Period Military Sites in Middle Tennessee.
No. 8. Smith, Samuel D., Fred M. Prouty, and Benjamin C. Nance. 1991.
A Preliminary Survey of Historic Period Gunmaking in Tennessee.
No. 9. Moore, Michael C. and Kevin E. Smith. 1993.
A Report on the 1992 Archaeological Investigations at the Brandywine Pointe Site (40DV247), Davidson County, Tennessee.
Revised electronic edition edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf. 2018.
No. 10. Nance, Benjamin C. 2005.
Test Excavations on Roper’s Knob: A Fortified Union Signal Station in Franklin, Tennessee.
No. 11. Prouty, Fred M. and Gary L. Barker. 1996.
A Survey of Civil War Period Military Sites in West Tennessee.
No. 12. Benthall, Joseph L. 1995.
An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Portions of the Hiwassee and Ocoee Rivers in Polk, Bradley and McMinn Counties, Tennessee, 1985-1986.
No. 13. Nance, Benjamin C. 2007.
An Archaeological Survey of World War II Military Sites in Tennessee.
No. 14. Smith, Samuel D. and Benjamin C. Nance. 2010.
Archaeological Investigations at the Carter House State Historic Site, Franklin, Tennessee.
No. 15. Nance, Benjamin C. 2001.
The Trail of Tears in Tennessee: A Study of the Routes Used During the Cherokee Removal of 1838.
No. 16. Nance, Benjamin C. 2004.
A Survey of Sites Related to the American Revolution and War of 1812 in Tennessee.
No. 17. Norton, Mark R. and Kevin E. Smith. 2015
The Special Needs Prison Project: Archaeological Investigations at Four Sites in Cockrill Bend, Davidson County, Tennessee.
No. 18. Levithol, Sarah A., Michael C. Moore, and W. Steven Spears. 2015
The Algood SR-42 Project: Report on Phase II Excavations in Putnam County, Tennessee.
No. 19. Deter-Wolf, Aaron and Michael C. Moore. 2015
The Riverbend Prison Site (40DV83): A Late Archaic and Early Woodland Camp along the Cumberland River in Davidson County, Tennessee.
No. 20. Mark R. Norton, John B. Broster, and J. Scott Jones. 2020
Carson-Conn-Short, 40BN190: A Paleoindian Site in Benton County, Tennessee.
No. 21. Samuel D. Smith. 2022
The 1984 Archaeology Project at the Compton-Burton Farm, Davidson County, Tennessee.
Miscellaneous Publications
No. 1. Bentz, Charles, Jr. (editor). 1995.
The Aenon Creek Site (40MU493): Late Archaic, Middle Woodland and Historic Settlement and Subsistence in the Middle Duck River Drainage of Tennessee. TDOT Archaeology Publications No. 1.
No. 2. Bentz, Charles, Jr. (editor). 1996.
The Bailey Site (40GL26): Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, and Historic Settlement and Subsistence in the Lower Elk River Drainage of Tennessee. TDOT Archaeology Publications No. 2.
No. 3. Smith, Kevin E. and Michael C. Moore. 1996.
The Hooper Site (40DV234): A Mississippian Village in Davidson County, Tennessee.
No. 4. Smith, Samuel D. 1996.
A Bibliographic History of Historical Archaeology in Tennessee.
No. 5. Bentz, Charles, Jr. (editor). 1997.
Archaeological Investigations at the Forbus Site (40FN122): An Unplowed Multicomponent site in the Eastern Highland Rim of Tennessee. TDOT Archaeology Publications No. 3.