Pickett State Forest

Directions and Description

WMA Interactive Map

Site Directions: From the junction of Hwy 154 and Hwy 297 north of Jamestown, travel 3.7 miles on Hwy 154 to the state park entrance and office. Access Road to State Park -  Lat: 36.5436°N Long: -84.79983°W 

The WMA is open year-round during daylight hours, please note hunting seasons.   License fees may apply.   

The state park hours are 7:30 am to dark, the area is managed by Pickett CCC Memorial State Park — Tennessee State Parks (tnstateparks.com)

TWRA Contact Information: Region 3 Office: 1-931-484-9571, Toll-Free:  1-833-402-4698, E-mail the office

Description: Situated in a remote section of the upper Cumberland Plateau, Pickett State Park and WMA is known for its geological, botanical, and scenic wonders. Rhododendron thickets and geologic features are some of the highlights of this park.  The state park lies within the 19,200-acre Pickett State Forest and WMA, and adjacent to the massive 120,000-acre Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, both areas containing prime wilderness country.

Visitors to the park can explore large rock houses, natural sandstone bridges, scenic bluffs, and wild mountain streams. Spring brings dazzling displays of wildflowers, summer an abundance of blackberries and wild blueberries, and autumn a patchwork of colors to the countryside. There are over 60 miles of trails through the area that lead into the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Hikers can plan overnight trips throughout the area.

In summer, breeding Whip-poor-wills can be heard singing at dawn and dusk, while Hooded WarblerWorm-eating WarblerWood Thrush, and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds can be found during the day. Northern rough-winged Swallows and Eastern Phoebes nest on rock faces. Salamanders are common in creeks and streams throughout the area, while endangered plants can also be found. White-tailed deer and Wild Turkeys are common.

Regulations & Dates

Big Game and Small Game same as statewide seasons.

Bear - Sept. 28–Oct. 25, 2024. Archery only.  See the bear page details.

Quail - Nov. 2, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025.

Dog Training - Sept. 1, 2024 - March 15, 2025.

Camping - State forest regulations apply and is a state park-managed campground. Visit: Pickett CCC Memorial State Park — Tennessee State Parks (tnstateparks.com)

TN Hunting Season Summary

Hunting Regulations Link
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Interactive Map of Barkley WMA
2023-24 Hunting Guide
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