March 27, 2023
4:00 pm
Recording: https://youtu.be/n0obZeP63es
1. Welcome
Deanna McLaughlin
2. Call the Meeting to Order
Deanna McLaughlin
3. Roll Call/Verify Quorum
Nathan James
4. Vote to Authorize a Recording of the Meeting to Serve
as the Minutes
Nathan James
5. Introduction of New State Council Members
Deanna McLaughlin
a. Jean Luna-Vedder, Director of Schools, Clarksville Montgomery County Schools
6. Introduction of School Liaison Officers
Deanna McLaughlin
a. Jennifer Lundy, Millington Naval Air Station
b. Laquevia Garrett, Fort Campbel, Kentucky
c. Karen Watkins-Diouf, Fort Campbel, Kentucky
7. Purpose
Deanna McLaughlin
8. Election of State Council Officers
Deanna McLaughlin
a. Current State Council Chairman - Deanna McLaughlin
b. Current State Council Vice Chairman - Vacant
c. Current State Council Secretary - Nathan James
9. Purple Star Schools Award Update
Deb Munis
a. Vote to Approve 2023 Applications
b. Reapplying Applicant Schools
c. First-Time Applicant Schools
10. MIC3 Tennessee Training Update
Deb Munis
11. Review of 2022/2023 Tennessee Hot Issues
Deanna McLaughlin
12. Tennessee Military-Connected Children Stats
Deanna McLaughlin
13. National Guard and Reserve Legislation
Deanna McLaughlin
14. MIC3 Resources
Deanna McLaughlin
15. Important Links
Deanna McLaughlin
16. MOMC
Deanna McLaughlin
17. Public Comments
Deanna McLaughlin
18. Open Discussion
Deanna McLaughlin
19. Adjourn
Deanna McLaughlin